Updated Resource At Homestake Ridge
VANCOUVER, BC - Bravo Gold Corp. reported that Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. (Scott Wilson RPA) have completed their resource update and preliminary engineering work on the company's 2761ha Homestake Ridge Project in NW British Columbia. This geologically complex but high-grade project hosts two known deposits, the Main Homestake deposit and the Homestake Silver deposit. Scott Wilson RPA's preliminary engineering work indicates that an underground mining scenario should be pursued and recommends that Bravo delay commissioning a more rigorous Preliminary Economic Assessment until the currently open mineralization at the Homestake Silver deposit has been fully delineated and the six high-priority exploration targets have been tested as planned for 2010. Permitting and planning for the upcoming field season is well underway with the dual goal of expanding the Homestake Silver deposit and discovering additional new deposits at six high-priority exploration targets identified in large part from the 630-line km airborne geophysical program conducted last season. The company plans a +$6 million, +12,000 metre drill program. Favorable snow conditions should allow drilling to begin mid June. The company's address is Suite 1100, 1199 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3T5, 604.684.9384, fax: 604.688.4670