New Gold Discovery in Dominican Republic
VANCOUVER, BC - GoldQuest Mining Corp. reported on the exploration activities with its partner Gold Fields Ltd.. Gold Fields is currently earning a 60% interest in various projects in the Dominican Republic by expending US$5 million over a three year period.
The Jengibre project was originally sampled by GoldQuest geologists during the regional stream sediment programme funded by Gold Fields. Follow-up of a highly anomalous stream sediment sample discovered outcropping mineralization exposed in a creek. Of fourteen rock samples taken during the original recon phase, seven returned values greater than 5.40% Zn (the highest four zinc values ranges from 23.10 to 30.00% the maximum analytical limit of the package used). Other maximum values from the samples included 5.12 g/t Au, 480 g/t Ag, 5.2% Cu and 260 ppm Mo.
Recent follow-up work by Gold Fields has defined several new areas of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization in the vicinity of the original discovery. Recent rock sampling has returned sample values up to 17.7 g/t and 14.1 g/t Au associated with zones of intense silica-pyrite alteration. Outcropping mineralization has now been identified in five principal zones, four of which are located over a horizontal distance of approximately 1,000 meters. The mineralized outcrops occur at a similar topographic level, suggesting possible lateral continuity of the zones in the form of a shallow dipping stratiform body cross-cut by several sub-vertical faults and possible feeder structures. The fifth zone is located approximately 500 meters further east, where preliminary rock samples grade up to 4.7 g/t Au from a zone of silica-pyrite alteration which trends approximately 450 meters east-west. The style of alteration and mineralization of the fifth zone is similar to that occurring in the other zones.
Gold Fields is currently sampling and geologically mapping the project in detail, intending to drill the mineralized targets as soon as possible. The Jengibre discovery is now the third zone of mineralization defined by GoldQuest and Gold Fields in a 35 km NNW-trending belt extending from the Las Tres Palmas and Loma Viejo Pedro properties in the northwest, to Jengibre in the southeast.
The company's Suite 720, 700 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1G8, 604-632-4333, fax: 604-608-4804.