1.69 oz/ton gold and 37 oz/ton silver from San Jose drilling
SPOKANE, WA - Minera Andes Inc. reported that during the fourth quarter of 2007 drilling has defined 2.8 km of strike length along the Odin and Ayelen veins that have significant potential to further increase the current reserves/pages at its producing San Jose mine in southern Argentina. The highest grade intercept from this drilling campaign was in hole SJD-412 that encountered 52.44 g/t (1.69 ounces per ton "opt") gold and 1,147 g/t (37 opt) silver over 1.68 meters.
During 2007, approximately 28,587 meters of core drilling totaling 113 drill holes was conducted on several targets identified at San Jose. In September thru December of 2007, 82 holes totaling 20,274 meters were drilled at the Frea, Odin, Ayelen, Frigga, and Lourdes targets. Assay results for 19 drill holes are still pending. Three of the areas (Frea, Odin, and Ayelen) contained high-grade gold/silver mineralization discovered in late 2005 through reconnaissance drilling of blind geophysical targets.
The majority of the fourth quarter 2007 drilling concentrated on the Odin and Ayelen veins covering approximately 2.8 kilometers of strike length along these open-ended mineralized veins. The drilling completed in 2007 extended the known mineralization along the Odin and Ayelen vein trends another 1000 meters along strike - more than a 64% increase in strike length from the 2005 discovery drilling.
Allen Ambrose, president of Minera Andes, said: "The drilling results from the 2007 exploration drilling program continue to expand the San Jose projects size. This should further facilitate MSC's plan to double production from 750 to 1500 tonnes per day by the end of this year."
The San Jose project is operated by Minera Santa Cruz S.A. ("MSC") (owned 51% by Hochschild Mining) and 49% by Minera Andes. The discovery of new high-grade silver/gold mineralization in veins such as Odin, Ayelen and Frea represents additional mineralization that can add to the current reserves/pages at the project where production has recently commenced. These discoveries also indicate the large mineral potential of the San Jose property where more than 40 kilometers of vein trend target is currently known to exist, and of which less than 15% has been explored to date.
The company's address is 111 East Magnesium Road, Ste. A, Spokane, WA 99208, (509) 921-7322.