Atlanta Gold Expands Hydrology Baseline Data Collection
TORONTO, ON - Atlanta Gold Inc. reported the expansion of surface and groundwater sampling at its Atlanta Gold property in Elmore County, Idaho. The Company has increased monitoring of surface waters and groundwater to meet or exceed environmental requirements. This monitoring will continue to characterize existing water quality conditions at Atlanta and support the environmental baseline collection required for permitting purposes.
The expanded surface and groundwater sampling program was precipitated by revisions to mine development plans currently being considered, including potential underground exploration. New sampling locations will address revised facility sites at Atlanta. The baseline hydrology sampling began in the late 1980's and will continue through mine operations and closure. The data from this sampling program will serve as the base case for measurement of impacts relating to surface and groundwater.
The Company has shifted from out-of-state environmental firms to Centra Consulting Inc. and Brown and Caldwell, two highly-qualified Idaho-based consulting firms to undertake year-round sampling programs. This will improve the efficiency of sampling, reduce costs and yield a greater number of samples per year. It will also establish a more comprehensive baseline database for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Centra will establish the protocols for sampling and flow measurement of surface waters at Atlanta, and undertake the 2007 rounds of sampling on-site. B&C, which has groundwater hydrology expertise, assisted in the development of several groundwater wells at Atlanta last winter. B&C has been engaged to determine groundwater elevations and collect samples from monitoring wells and piezometers at Atlanta. Both firms will utilize tested and accepted methodologies for baseline hydrology data collection.
The list of required water quality analyses is extensive, and includes pH, turbidity, temperature, level or flow, and several targeted metals. The samples will be derived from 26 surface water sites and 16 groundwater sites. Site selections were made in consultation with U.S. Forest Service, Idaho Dept of Environmental Quality and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Collection of baseline data for both surface and groundwater is critical to develop a comprehensive hydrological analysis to protect water quality at Atlanta. This data will be utilized to determine the overall water movement and connections between surface and groundwater. It will also determine impacts from the planned mining project on the local groundwater and surface streams for the EIS analysis.
The company's address is Suite 1250, 155 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5H 3B7, 416-777-0013, fax: 416-777-0014.