State Approval For Exploration Permit At Gold Crown Property
PRESCOTT, AZ - Western Sierra Mining Corp., has received approval from the State of Arizona for its Exploration Permit for the Gold Crown property located in Skull Valley, Arizona.
The granting of the State Exploration permit brings Western one step closer to the initiation of its planed evaluation of the Gold Crown property. The permit is granted subject to the submission and approval of a Plan of Operation (POO). The POO will define in detail the work contemplated, types of equipment used, amount of total land to be disturbed, use of access roads and trails, and maps designating the exact locations of the proposed sample sites. The State will comment on the submission and Western will work closely with the State to make any corrections that would allow for the mutual approval by both parties. With the POO approved, Western will initiate a small testing program designed to validate historical geological data and to prepare an expanded testing program. The company's address is 2750 Cisco Drive South, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403, (928) 680-5513, fax: (928) 680-7066.