Bravo Encounters 18.2g/t Au and 946g/t Ag


VANCOUVER - Bravo Venture Group Inc. reported that it has intersected additional Bonanza-grade gold and silver mineralization at the Homestake Silver zone and continued to return high-grade gold assays from definition drilling at the Main Homestake zone on its 100 percent owned Homestake Ridge Project located in NW British Columbia.

The Company reported that intial assays from drill hole HR09-161 intersected a bonanza grade-intercept averaging 51.9g/t gold and 2592g/t silver, 2.8% lead and 3.0% zinc over a 1.9 metre interval within a 4.8 metre interval averaging 25.9g/t gold and 1358g/t silver which is contained within a 7.0 metre interval averaging 18.2g/t gold and 946g/t silver.

Assays for only 27 samples have been received from hole HR09-161. Additional portions of the hole, both above and below the reported intercept, are strongly silicified with associated sulphides, including pyrite, sphalerite, galena and trace chalcopyrite. Assays from these intervals are pending.

Hole HR09-161 has extended the eastern projection of the gold-rich, high-grade vein, first encountered in previously reported drill holes HR09-146 (3.6 metres of 10.6g/t gold and 1689g/t silver) and HR09-137 (4.1 metres of 6.9g/t gold and 193.5g/t silver) and has offset these holes 90 metres and 110 metres respectively.

In addition, the Company reported that newly received assays from drill hole HR09-156 have identified an adjacent silver-rich hangingwall vein, averaging 0.2g/t gold and 567.0g/t silver over 2.0 metres, which has now expanded the previously reported mineralized composite on the primary vein (see NR-31-09) to 11.7 metres averaging 1.3g/t gold and 335g/t silver. All intervals are reported as estimated true thickness.

Bravo has now completed the 2009 exploration program at the Homestake Ridge Project and crews are in the process of de-mobilization. A total of 48 holes have been cored on the property for 13,436 metres during this year’s program. Assays from 13 drill holes are pending.

The companys address is Suite 1100, 1199 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3T5.