Completion Of Updated 3D Model For Columbus Lithium-Boron Project
VANCOUVER - Canter Resources Corp. has completed an updated and comprehensive 3D geological and geophysical model for the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project, located near Tonopah, Nevada. This achievement represents a major step forward in understanding the basin setting and the structural and lithological controls driving mineralization, reinforcing the Project's potential as a premier exploration target.
The model is the culmination of extensive work across an area covering approximately 24,000 acres (>97 km²), incorporating comprehensive survey data and both historical and recent exploration results.
"Our 3D model has advanced significantly, and the foundation has been set to take informed discovery shots at varying depths within the basin where structure, geophysics and interpreted mineralized pathways point to the highest priority targets at Columbus," stated CEO, Joness Lang.
Key components and highlights of the 3D Model include: 1) Seismic Surveys: High-resolution 2D Active seismic data delineating subsurface stratigraphy, structural complexities, and basin architecture, enabling identification of traps and fault zones critical to resource localization. A total of 11.1-line kilometres of seismic data were acquired, reinterpreted and modeled. These surveys identified major fault zones and traps, providing a subsurface understanding of the basin architecture to depths exceeding 10,000 feet. 2) Hybrid-Source Audio-Magnetotellurics (HSAMT): Two phases totaling 9 lines covering more than 46 kilometres in length, mapping resistivity variations to depths of 1,000 metres, revealing highly conductive zones indicative of brine formation and providing critical insights into stratigraphic variations and subsurface fluid distribution. 3) Gravity and Magnetics Datasets: By leveraging gravity and magnetic data generated by the USGS in 2024, the model highlights key subsurface density contrasts and magnetic anomalies, enhancing understanding of the basin's structural framework and potential mineral pathways. 4) Historical Data Integration: Historical drill results, borehole gamma and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data were incorporated, providing a foundation for understanding porosity, permeability, and lithological variability. 5) Regional Structural Framework: Integration of the basin's tectonic history and structural fabrics provides critical context for understanding fluid migration and reservoir compartmentalization.
The 3D model identifies three key zones essential for lithium brine exploration: Brine Generation Zone - This uppermost layer initiates lithium-boron concentration through surface processes such as evaporation, precipitation, and seasonal hydrological inputs, providing the foundation for deeper reservoirs. Canter has demonstrated success in identifying and establishing this zone through previous exploration programs, which have confirmed anomalous brine values of up to 871 mg/L boron and 76.4 mg/L lithium. Structural Pathways - Defined by faults and fractures, these conduits facilitate brine migration through the basin, shaping fluid movement and dictating accumulation zones for high-grade lithium deposits. Structural-Lithologic Traps - These reservoirs, formed by structural barriers and lithologic variations, serve as prime targets for brine extraction, hosting the highest concentrations of lithium-rich fluids.