Completion Of Surveys On The Sombrero Butte Project
CALGARY - Copper Fox Metals Inc. and its subsidiary, Desert Fox Sombrero Butte Co. reported on the recently completed chargeability/resistivity (DCIP) and magnetotelluric (MT) geophysical surveys on the Sombrero Butte project. The Sombrero Butte project is located approximately three kilometers south of the Copper Creek porphyry copper deposit.
Elmer B. Stewart, President & CEO, said, "The geophysical program has mapped a large north-northwest trending body of anomalous chargeability that in places extends from surface to depths exceeding 800 meters (m) located along the interpreted Copper Creek granodiorite/Glory Hole volcanic contact. At surface, the chargeability anomaly exhibits a strong spatial correlation with the large zone of moderate to intense limonite (after pyrite) alteration/staining that has been mapped within the Laramide age Glory Hole volcanics. The chargeability signature is interpreted to represent the potential of a large body of sulphide mineralization at depth and further supports the potential for a porphyry copper system underlying the Sombrero Butte project."