Field Work Delivers Increase In Bulk Density Of Mineralized Host Rock At Fondaway Canyon Gold Project

VANCOUVER - Getchell Gold Corp. reported the completion of the bulk density (BD) field program that forms part of an updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("Updated MRE") at the Fondaway Canyon gold project in Nevada. 7% Increase to the density of the mineralized host rock. Bulk density is one of the main factors utilized in mineral resource estimates. The Updated MRE for the Fondaway Canyon gold project is in progress, and 8 drill holes with notable gold intervals, not previously incorporated, will augment the Updated MRE.

"The positive result of the bulk density sampling program is another one in a long series of positive results produced by Getchell Gold Corp. at Fondaway Canyon, and one that continues to increase the attractiveness and potential of the project." said, Mike Sieb, President.