800-Meter Copper Geochemical Zone Outlined At Copper Hill Project
VANCOUVER – Manning Ventures Inc. has received all geochemical analysis or the soil geochemistry program conducted on the 896.3 Ha (2,215 acres) Copper Hill project located 40 kms northeast of Hawthorne, Nevada. The soil geochemistry program consisted of collecting 216 samples along north-south lines trending lines spaced 90 meters (300 feet) apart with samples collect at stations spaced 60 meters (200 feet) apart.
The program was designed to test for and expand on the copper skarn mineralization that occurs at Copper Hill. This geochemical data was compiled with the recent Gravity and historic Magnetic data to aid the company in defining suitable targets to be tested by diamond drilling. The results of the geochemistry survey identified two board geochemical anomalous trends. On the northern portion of the grid a prominent east-west zone anomalous in iron, copper and gold, and in the southwestern portion of the grid a prominent northwesterly trending zone, anomalous in Tungsten, Molybdenum and Arsenic. Together these anomalous zones form a broad Halo encircling the mountain called Copper Hill.
The northern portion of the grid shows a broad east-west trending zone that is anomalous in copper, iron and gold. This trend extends for 800 meters east-west and is up to 200 meters wide. The zone is sub parallel with a number of interpreted structural lineaments identified by earlier magnetics surveys. The second anomalous trend occurs on the southwestern portion of the grid where tungsten, molybdenum and arsenic appear more concentrated in a northwesterly trending zone parallel to the interpreted structural lineaments.