Atalanta Gold Mine Five High-Priority Drill Ready Exploration Targets Identified
VANCOUVER - Nevada King Gold Corp. announced the identification of five new regional targets at its 5,166 hectares (51.6km2) Atlanta Gold Mine Project along the prolific Battle Mountain Trend 264km northeast of Las Vegas, Nevada. The Lone Ranger, Northeast, Crossroads, Bounty, and Jumbo Targets make up a combined 13.9km2 footprint and are located north and northeast of the historical Atlanta Mine.
The Company is planning a Phase III regional drilling program designed to test the five regional targets outlined in today's release, as well as other similar anomalies located south and west of the Atlanta resource zone. Further details of the program will be released in the coming weeks. BLM (Bureau of Land Management) approval for this drilling program is currently pending.
Cal Herron, Exploration Manager, said, "Gold mineralization within the Atlanta District formed within a resurgent caldera associated with the much larger Indian Peak volcanic field. The presence of shallow, quartz- and volatile-rich magmatism beneath a water-rich caldera basin like we see at Atlanta provides the ideal setting for potentially hosting large gold deposits, such as what is seen at Round Mountain. At Atlanta, the majority of drilling to date has been focused around the Atlanta resource zone, which represents just one intrusive plume that broke through the Paleozoic basement and deposited gold in a shallow epithermal environment. Relying on CSAMT surveys conducted across not just the resource zone, but throughout the district, Nevada King has now developed an integrated, detailed geological model for gold deposition that outlines numerous additional areas where intrusive plumes have exploded up through the basement rock. Where these plumes coincide with major faults, a favourable environment for gold deposition may occur, particularly around fault intersections. As much of the Atlanta District is obscured by an extensive blanket of volcanic tuff and sediments, these targets are largely buried and have remained undetected until recently with the aid of geophysical methods including CSAMT. All of our drilling and work to date at Atlanta has sharpened our understanding of the complex interplay of structural and hydrothermal components responsible for gold mineralization, and we now look forward to applying this knowledge toward unlocking the district-scale potential."