High-Grade Staked At The Atlas Gold Project

VANCOUVER - Ridgeline Minerals Corp. reported the staking of the Atlas Gold Project, a high-grade, oxide gold (Au) exploration prospect in Eureka County, Nevada. The Company acquired Atlas via the low-cost staking of 59 lode claims totaling 1,219 acres (5.0 square kilometers). The Project is 100% owned by the Company and retains no underlying lease payments, work commitments or royalty obligations.

The Project encompasses an approximately 3-kilometer (km) long by 0.5 km wide, gold in soils footprint that is supported by an extensive historical rock chip database of 346 samples, with highlight grades of up to 7.7 grams per tonne (g/t) Au and 3.2 g/t Au. Atlas exhibits classic Carlin-Type alteration and gold mineralization that outcrops at surface and is hosted by the same Pennsylvanian to Permian age host rocks as Orla Mining's multi-million-ounce, Dark Star Deposit, located on the southern Carlin Trend. The Project has never been drilled and represents an opportunity to make a bulk tonnage, oxide gold discovery in the Carlin Trend.

Chad Peters, President & CEO, said, "Staking the Atlas project is a great example of our team's ability to continue generating high quality exploration opportunities in mature districts in Nevada. Carlin-Type gold deposits continue to deliver some of the highest value per ounce in the ground anywhere in North America, and Atlas represents a low-risk opportunity with considerable exploration upside.

Furthermore, our Vice President of Exploration, Mike Harp, brings a unique perspective to exploration at Atlas, having previously led the discovery of the multi-million-ounce North Dark Star deposit, which is hosted in the same Penn-Perm host rocks and considered a direct analogue to the gold system at Atlas. Mike recognized the potential at Atlas immediately and our team is excited to get out in the field this spring and make a new gold discovery."