Copper-Gold Porphyry Targets Expanded With Infill IP Survey At Big Blue Project

VANCOUVER - Ridgeline Minerals Corp. reported on Phase II, induced polarization (IP) geophysical survey at the Big Blue porphyry copper (Cu) - gold (Au) project in Elko County, Nevada. The pole-dipole infill survey was collected in December 2024 and consisted of an additional eight line-kilometer (line-km) survey across three high-priority IP lines in the Delker Mine area to complement the original twenty-eight line-km survey collected in August 2024.

The Phase II survey infilled lines between the Skarn Hill and Delker mines, which historically produced 94,434 pounds of copper at an average grade of 6.2% between 1916-1917 1 from near surface, high-grade, Cu-bearing skarn. The mines overlie an approximately 2.0 km long by 1.0 km wide chargeability high, which is interpreted as the potential blind porphyry source to the high-grade Cu Skarn previously mined across the Delker trend.

Michael Harp, Vice President, Exploration, said, "The Phase II infill results have expanded the kilometer-scale chargeability high underpinning the Delker Mine trend, which we interpret as the porphyry source to the high-grade copper skarn at surface. We also observe a continuous resistivity anomaly located directly adjacent to the inferred porphyry target that exhibits a strong vertical control and is interpreted as zones of upwelling fluids during porphyry emplacement. These fluids are an indicator of a strong hydrothermal system at depth and a likely contributor to the pervasive skarn alteration and copper mineralization that was historically mined across the Delker trend.

We are fully permitted and bonded for our maiden drill program, which is scheduled to begin in early March. The initial core holes will test for the continuation of high-grade copper skarn and porphyry dikes beneath the historical mine workings followed by a direct test of the chargeability high with the goal of identifying a porphyry copper-gold system at depth."