Continuity Confirmation Of High-Grade Gold Mineralization At Murray Creek

VANCOUVER - Rua Gold Inc. reported on the drilling campaign underway at the Reefton Project on the South Island of New Zealand. All three holes in Murray Creek have intercepted visible gold in down-dip extensions of the historical Victoria lode, demonstrating vertical continuity over 100 meters and still open. Murry Creek assays ranging from 11.1 – 34.1g/t gold, intercept widths indicate a pinch and swell of the vein from 0.2 – 1.2m. 1.35% Sb (stibnite) in DD_VIC_42A demonstrates the antimony potential in this region.

Introduction of Devico Navi-drilling provides benefits of accuracy and economy in the resource definition stage. Gold results in 4 of the 6 drill holes at Capleston, with the northern-most intercept averaging 4.8g/t Au over 3.3m.

Robert Eckford, CEO, said, “It is very encouraging to be intercepting gold on the majority of our targets in the Reefton Goldfield. Murray Creek has delivered vertical continuity and visible gold on every hole and even more exciting as we start seeing visible antimony on this target. The drill program is progressing nicely and with the navi-drilling team in place and two main holes complete, we can start building structure with our 20m spaced drill program. The near surface gold results at Capleston also indicate there is potential for early development opportunities."

The Company has advanced the testing of the down-dip extension of the Victoria lode, DD_VIC_042B. This intersected the targeted gold vein at 390m down hole with a 1m quartz vein followed by a 0.2m mineralized fault, including fine visible gold throughout the vein and antimony infilling fractures. This intercept is 80m below the historical Victoria mine, and 20m northeast of the DD_VIC_042A intercept.

The third drill hole (DD_VIC_042A) intercepted a 0.3m quartz vein with visible gold in a 0.6m mineralized fault. The quartz vein assayed 0.3m at 27.2/t Au with 1.35% Sb (antimony).