New High-Grade Gold Targets At Treaty Creek

VANCOUVER - Tudor Gold Corp. reported on the first four holes totaling over 6,174 meters (m) of the planned 10,000-meter 2024 exploration program at their flagship property, Treaty Creek, located in the heart of the Golden Triangle of Northwestern British Columbia. The Company plans to successfully complete the Program within the northeastern part of the Goldstorm Deposit by soon.

The first four drill-holes reported in this release specifically targeted the Supercell-One Zone (SC-1) which was identified earlier this year as representing a significant potential economic target within and expanding beyond the CS-600 Domain. The results from the recent drilling strongly confirm this new discovery, characterizing a high-grade gold system that falls within an area that currently measures up to 800 m in length by 400 m in depth, with three sub-parallel structures that remain open in all directions and to depth.

Ken Konkin, President and CEO, said, "We are very pleased to announce the discovery of numerous sub-parallel high-grade gold composite lode systems. These quartz-breccia hydrothermal structures may be related to the original Supercell-One complex (SC-1C). We now believe that at least three limbs of similarly mineralized structures make-up the Supercell-One system, labelled SC-1A, SC-1B and SC-1C. Our first drill hole of the year, GS-24-181 intersected visible native gold in the uppermost limb (SC-1A) that appears to be sub-parallel to our original Supercell-One structure (SC-1C). This uppermost structure returned 2.00 m of 9.02 g/t AuEQ (8.97 g/t Au, 3.73 g/t Ag, 0.01% Cu). SC-1A is also sub-parallel to a second deeper breccia intercept in the same drill hole that contained 3.00 m grading 11.05 g/t AuEQ (8.28 g/t Au, 126.50 g/t Ag, 1.21% Cu), labelled as SC-1B. The third intercept of the Supercell complex within GS-24-181 contained 6.00 m grading 5.31 g/t AuEQ (5.02 g/t Au, 3.32 g/t Ag, 0.21% Cu) within SC-1C. The original discovery of the Supercell-One complex (SC-1C) was from drill hole GS-22-134, which demonstrated 17 fine grains of visible gold over 4.5 m that averaged 20.86 g/t AuEQ (20.61 g/t Au, 1.50 g/t Ag, 0.20% Cu). The significance of this discovery was not realized until 2023 when drill holes GS-23-176-W1 and GS-23-179 intersected the same structure. Based on these three intercepts, the priority of the 2024 drilling program shifted to expanding the size of the Supercell-One complex.

Equally impressive, a second drill hole, GS-24-183-W1, also intersected high-grade gold and silver values in three, sub-parallel, hydrothermal, quartz-stringer stockwork limbs. SC-1B had the best grades of 13.89 g/t AuEQ over 6.30 m (4.25 g/t Au, 224.59 g/t Ag, 5.96% Cu). This was a unique intercept due to the strength of the silver and copper mineralization. This may represent a semi-massive sulphide component, or pulse, to the Supercell-One system. We have witnessed this association in the earlier years of exploration of the Goldstorm Deposit within similar structures. We are now examining historical intercepts that contain gold values of greater than 4.0 g/t gold to assess the potential that these Supercell structures may be originating from within the CS-600 Domain and extending outwards from that Domain as a late-stage event. Our latest interpretation is that the Supercell-One system is a set of sub-parallel composite-lode breccia stockworks that trend obliquely to the Goldstorm Deposit rather than simply a singular parallel breccia system that occurs adjacent to the upper contact of the CS-600 Domain, as previously thought. An enormous amount of economic potential exists for expanding the size of the known three Supercell structures, as well as the possible discovery of additional gold-silver-copper structures within the Goldstorm Deposit and peripheral to it. Among our highest priorities is the outlining of two to three million ounces of high-grade gold within the Supercell-One complex; this would be a major pivotal point for the Treaty Creek Project.

Additionally important has been the expansion, and conversion to Indicated category, of the higher AuEq grades within the Inferred category of CS-600 and DS5 Domains, which stands at 6.03 million ounces of 1.25 g/t AuEq. The step-out drilling in 2024 has been very successful in continued expansion of both of these domains, with impressive results from GS-24-184 including 147.75 m grading 1.17 g/t AuEQ (0.71 g/t Au, 17.03 g/t Ag, 0.24% Cu) from the CS-600 Domain and 227.00 m of 1.22 g/t AuEQ (1.17 g/t Au, 3.19 g/t Ag, 0.01% Cu) from the DS5 Domain. Drilling continues at a very fast pace at Treaty Creek and we look forward to providing more updates on the results as they become available."