Successful Drill Program At Its Tonopah Gold Project

VANCOUVER - Viva Gold Corp reported on its 14-hole, 2,105-meter fall 2024 reverse circulation drill program. The Tonopah Gold Project is located on the prolific Walker Lane Mineral Trend in western Nevada

“This program was highly successful in meeting its planned goals. We encountered shallow, high-grade mineralization in step-out drilling in four holes to expand the eastern resource area to the southeast, while another hole successfully extended mineralization to the north. One hole intercepted a thick package of mineralization in a large gap in drilling in the north central resource area. In addition to the successful infill and step-out drilling component of this program, an exploration discovery was made in a hole drilled six hundred meters south of the discovery zone, which intercepted above cutoff grade gold mineralization associated with a major fault structure in a previously undrilled portion of the property. This discovery requires additional follow-up drilling and may reflect additional resource potential along the entire 600- meter strike length between the discovery zone and this new discovery,” stated James Hesketh, President & CEO.

“Work is underway to develop a new NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate to include these new results, as well as the results from the previous two years of drilling. Sixty-four drill holes will be incorporated into our new resource and economic models. Our goals for 2025 include completing an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment and using that study to provide the scope for a Pre-Feasibility Study in the second half of 2025. Based on positive economic results, Viva would utilize this Pre-Feasibility study in combination with its advanced environmental baseline study work to initiate the development permitting process for the project.”