Drilling Results At El Domo Deposit
TORONTO - Adventus Mining Corporation and Salazar Resources Limited reported continued infill drilling results from the El Domo volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit located within the 21,537-hectare Curipamba project in central Ecuador. Infill drilling continues at El Domo with two diamond drill rigs at site. In the current program, a total of 15 infill definition drill holes having been successfully completed totaling 1,573 meters from the planned 4,960 meters, with two drill holes currently in progress totaling a further 119.20 meters completed.
Highlights: CURI-344 intersected 6.14 meters of 14.91% copper, 21.02 g/t gold, 10.39% zinc, 255.3 g/t silver, and 0.75% lead for 37.48% CuEq. – including 4.22 meters of 19.11% copper, 24.36 g/t gold, 10.93% zinc, 309.5 g/t silver and 0.83% lead for 45.00% CuEq; CURI-343 intersected 1.50 meters of 2.45% copper, 9.09 g/t gold, 12.01% zinc, 211.7 g/t silver, and 1.96% lead for 16.38% CuEq. – including 0.60 meters of 4.68% copper, 21.30 g/t gold, 28.11% zinc, 491.0 g/t silver and 4.79% lead for 37.30% CuEq; and CURI-342 intersected 1.90 meters of 3.04% copper, 16.41 g/t gold, 17.94% zinc, 181.2 g/t silver, and 2.23% lead for 24.41% CuEq.
Drill hole CURI-342 intersected a narrow section of high-grade copper and gold-rich massive sulphide mineralization from 95.60 to 97.50 meters, grading 3.04% copper, 16.41 g/t gold, 17.94% zinc, 181.2 g/t silver and 2.23% lead (24.41% CuEq). Stratigraphically beneath the massive sulphide is a well mineralized felsic autobreccia in the footwall rocks intersected from 97.50 to 107.50 meters, grading 0.49% copper, 0.26 g/t gold, 0.41% zinc, 9.6 g/t silver and 0.05% lead (0.69% CuEq). This includes a higher-grade subset from 97.50 to 99.50 meters, grading 1.26% copper, 0.61 g/t gold, 1.18% zinc, 24.1 g/t silver and 0.17% lead (2.44% CuEq).
CURI-343 intersected a well-mineralized fine-grained tuffaceous volcaniclastic in the hanging wall of the massive sulphide mineralization from 99.38 to 101.90 meters, grading 0.84% copper, 1.92 g/t gold, 2.67% zinc, 37.0 g/t silver, and 0.10% lead (3.67% CuEq). The massive sulphide mineralization was intersected from 101.90 to 103.40 meters, grading 2.45% copper, 9.09 g/t gold, 12.01% zinc, 211.7 g/t silver, and 1.96% lead (16.38% CuEq). A higher-grade subset was intersected from 101.90 to 102.50 meters, grading 4.68% copper, 21.30 g/t gold, 28.11% zinc, 491.0 g/t silver, and 4.79% lead (37.30% CuEq).
CURI-344 intersected a well-mineralized grainstone in the hanging wall of the massive sulphide mineralization from 57.32 to 62.26 meters, grading 5.60% copper, 8.99 g/t gold, 4.02% zinc, 151.0 g/t silver, and 0.56% lead (15.60% CuEq). The high-grade massive sulphide mineralization was intersected from 62.26 to 68.40 meters, grading 14.91% copper, 21.02 g/t gold, 10.39% zinc, 255.3 g/t silver, and 0.75% lead (37.48% CuEq). A higher-grade subset was intersected from 62.26 to 66.48 meters, grading 19.11% copper, 24.36 g/t gold, 10.93% zinc, 309.5 g/t silver, and 0.83% lead (45.00% CuEq). At the base of the high-grade massive sulphide is a narrow intercept of semi-massive sulphide mineralization from 68.40 to 70.12 meters, grading 0.31% copper, 0.81 g/t gold, 3.11% zinc, 9.0 g/t silver and 0.01% lead (2.14% CuEq). Stratigraphically beneath the massive sulphide in CURI-344 is a well mineralized felsic autobreccia in the footwall rocks intersected from 70.12 to 80.13 meters, grading 0.61% copper, 0.74 g/t gold, 0.27% zinc, 4.1 g/t silver and 0.01% lead (1.31% CuEq). This includes a higher-grade subset from 72.93 to 75.89 meters, grading 1.81% copper, 1.53 g/t gold, 0.83% zinc, 7.9 g/t silver and 0.01% lead (3.36% CuEq).
All results from the current infill definition drilling program will be used to update the Mineral Resource estimate for the El Domo deposit in 2021. The updated Mineral Resource estimate will be part of the ongoing feasibility study for the development of the El Domo deposit.