Decision Memo Received From US Forest Service Regarding Initial Exploration Drilling At Sycamore Canyon Project

VANCOUVER - Arizona Silver Exploration Inc. reported that the US Forest Service has issued a positive Decision Memo, with stipulated mitigation measures required, approving the initiation of exploration drilling on the Sycamore Canyon gold-silver project located in Cochise County, Arizona.

A positive Decision Memo, with stipulations and required mitigation measures, was received in response to the initial Plan of Operations submitted in May 2018 to proceed with initial exploration drilling of the Sycamore Canyon gold-silver project in Cochise County, Arizona. An initial Plan of Operations was submitted in May 2018 and finalized in November 2018.  Public comment was sought in late 2018 and early 2019, but the COVID pandemic and administrative issues caused the permitting of the project to be delayed until respective parties could be available to make their contributions to the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) permitting process.

Mitigation measures include: No activity during the golden eagle breeding season (January through July), or non-breeding or non-occupancy within one mile of the drill site must be confirmed; Avoid removal or damage to agave and yucca plants during road and pad construction and use, and salvage and re-planting of any disturbed plants; and Reclamation immediately upon completion of the proposed drilling activity, among others.

The Company will engage an environmental consulting firm to incorporate these mitigation measures into a final Plan of Operations and a reclamation cost estimate for final submission to the US Forest Service for their consideration in issuing a final Record of Decision.