Phase 2 Underground Drill Program At High-Grade South Mountain Zinc-Silver-Gold-Copper Project
VANCOUVER - BeMetals Corp. has identified several high-priority targets at the Texas Zone in advance of the Phase 2 underground diamond drilling program at the high-grade South Mountain Zinc-Silver-Gold-Copper Project in southwestern Idaho, U.S.A. The Phase 2 drilling program will focus on the Texas Zone mineralization but include some infill drilling of the DMEA Zone and test other targets from underground drilling. The high priority Texas Zone targets will be tested from a new drill station to be established from the refurbishment of an area of existing mine development last accessed in the 1980's.
Drill hole intersection from 2019 program: SM19-010 Interval 1 intersected 7.21 meters ("m") grading 4.37% Zinc ("Zn"), 155.2 grams per tonne ("g/t") silver ("Ag") 0.13 gold ("Au"), 0.03% lead ("Pb") and 2.07% copper ("Cu"), and SM19-010 Interval 2 intersected 10.04 m grading 0.40% Zn, 135.1 g/t Ag, 0.07 g/t Au, 0.01% Pb and 1.75% Cu.
John Wilton, President and CEO, said, "We are pleased to be following-up with our Phase 2 program drilling this fall. It was very encouraging that the compilation of both historical and recent drilling in the Texas Zone area defined robust targets, which are further supported by high-grade; zinc, silver, gold and copper underground rib sampling results. These vertical rib samples of high-grade Texas Zone zinc mineralization include gold grades of 9.69, 18.44, 7.19, 5.16 g/t Au over 1.75, 1.81, 2.44 metres and 2.93 respectively.
The Phase 2 program is expected to include a total of approximately 25 diamond drill holes for 2,400 meters at the South Mountain project this year. Drilling is scheduled to commence from mid-September and will be conducted from a number of underground drill platforms associated with the Sonneman adit. Results from drill hole SM19-010 last year, which returned two significant intervals of copper mineralization, with historical drill holes and underground rib sampling to define the drill targets for the Texas Zone have been complied. Currently geological re-logging of the historical drill holes in the Texas Zone area to further guide and define the planned drilling is being completed.
Wilton said, We plan to access and enlarge the southeastern extent of the Sonneman adit in order to prepare drilling platforms closer to targets within the Texas Zone. The far southeastern section of the Sonneman adit has not been accessed for some time and subsequently little underground exploration has been conducted on this zone since the 1980's. Historically the Texas Zone of the polymetallic mineralization has been associated with an increased copper content when compared to other discrete zones within the deposit.
During our Phase 1 drilling campaign in 2019, hole SM19-010 Interval 1 intersected 7.21m grading 4.37% Zn, 155.2 g/t Ag , 0.13 g/t Au, 0.03% Pb and 2.07% copper ("Cu"), and SM19-010 Interval 2 intersected 10.04 m grading 0.40% Zn, 135.1 g/t Ag, 0.07 g/t Au, 0.01% Pb and 1.75% Cu (See Figure 1 for location), which were drilled below the Sonneman Level and into a lower extension of the Texas Zone. A number of holes are planned to test and extend this mineralization down plunge which can potentially add significant tonnage towards updating a mineral resource estimate for South Mountain in the first quarter of 2021. Following the planned 2020 drilling an improved understanding of the metal zonation, specifically related to the Texas Zone, should evolve that will assist in future exploration of the deposit. This will also improve geo-metallurgical mapping to ensure samples for metallurgical test work are representative of the style of mineralization in their nature.”