Trenching East Of St-Gustave Road Extended At The Starting Point Of 1960s Gold Dredging Operation
MONTREAL - Beauce Gold Fields reported that the Company has completed nine more trenches east of St-Gustave road around the site that was once the starting point of the 1960s gold dredging operation on the Company's Beauce gold property located in the municipality of Saint-Simon-les-Mines in the Beauce region of Quebec.
Patrick Levasseur, President and CEO, said, "The St-Gustave zone was the site of the largest placer gold dredging operation in eastern North America." Mr. Levasseur further states, "We are the first exploration company to sample this historic gold anomaly."
Active from 1958 to 1964, the Beauce Placer Company was the only major placer gold mining operation in eastern North America. To mine the deposit, the Company purchased a floating Yuba dredging plant. The four storey high, 800-ton dredge was dismantled in Idaho and transported in 25 train cars to the Beauce region. It was then assembled and floated in a dredge pit south of the Gilbert river just East of Rang St-Gustave road, around the site where BGF is currently trenching. A Lima Electric Dragline was used to strip the glacial till overburden. The Yuba dredged southward the placer gold channel from the pit to the middle of the Rang Chaussegros property.
Reference to the historical placer gold deposit does not comply with the CIM reporting standards National Instrument 43-101 for mineral resources or reserves and should not be relied upon. While the Company considers historical estimates and the calculated Gold Exploration Target for the entire historical placer channel to be relevant to investors as it may indicate the presence of mineralization, the Company is not treating these historical estimates as a current mineral resource.