Coyote Sinter Gold Project Drilling Has Commenced
VANCOUVER - Bitterroot Resources Ltd.'s has mobilized a drill rig, crew and support equipment to the Coyote Sinter epithermal gold/silver project in Elko County, Nevada. Coyote Sinter is located in the Independence District. Drilling will consist of three 500 meter-long (-50 degrees) HQ-sized core holes, along 700 meters of strike length of the Chevron fault. The new holes will test below the previous shallow drilling, which intersected highly anomalous levels of gold, mercury, arsenic and antimony at depths of only 35-75 meters below surface. Three new holes are planned to intersect the Chevron fault approximately 200-250 meters deeper, where epithermal models suggest bonanza-grade gold and silver mineralization could occur. This initial drilling program is expected to be complete in 4-6 weeks.