Phase II Pad Site Sufficient To Process Remaining In-Pit Gold/Silver Resource At Wind Mountain

VANCOUVER - Bravada Gold Corporation has received the results of an evaluation of a second pad site, not considered in its recent technical report. Economics reported in the Report improved significantly due to utilizing a near-mine, heap-leach Pad I site, which is of limited size, for a portion of the Pit-constrained resource and due to higher grades for early mining, which were predicted and then verified by drilling during 2021. To add additional mine life, a Phase II pad site was identified due north of the Phase I site but was not considered in the January 20th PEA. An internal evaluation demonstrates that the Pad II site is sufficient in size to process the remainder of the In-pit Resource, adding approximately 45% more resource tons and potentially increasing mine life by more than 2 years. Although Pad II is somewhat farther from the currently identified Pit-constrained resource than the Pad I site, it is located very close to outcropping mineralization at the North Hill target, which has only been tested with minor drilling. Other potential additions to mine life that the Phase I PEA did not consider, but which might be added to a Phase II or later Pad, include mineralization at the South End target, historic "waste rock piles" and partially spent heaps where the Company has identified potentially recoverable gold and silver.

The Company is in the planning stage to permit drill holes to better delineate additional shallow oxide gold mineralization in the region between the Breeze pit north to the North Hill target, all of which may add resource feed to a nearby Pad II site.