Initial Reconnaissance Programs To Review Plan For Exploration

VANCOUVER - Clarity Gold Corp. reported on the Empirical, Tyber, and Gretna Green projects. The objective of these initial reconnaissance programs was to review the geology and mineralization, locate and verify historic mineral showings, and plan for further exploration on the recently expanded portions of the Empirical Property and the newly acquired Tyber and Gretna Green Projects. The Programs were successful in locating recently acquired historic workings on the Empirical and Tyber projects with sampling corroborating historic information and mineralization at several of the showings. Descriptions of grab samples and the located showings are summarized below. Additional planning and compilation work is underway.At the Company’s flagship 10,518 ha Empirical Project, 12 km south of Lillooet, BC, a team of three spent three days on site mapping out road access and locating historic mineral showing where previous work identified mineralization. In the eastern extension, the team was successful in locating and confirming mineralization at two of the more extensively worked showings, namely the Rickhill and Mud showings. In the western expansion claims, the FYP showing was located. A total of 10 grab samples were collected from the three showings visited.

The Rickhill Showing has seen several campaigns of historic work. In 1959, six surface rock samples averaged 0.95% copper over 12.9 meters (Minfile 092INW022). Elevated copper in soil samples indicate that this zone of copper mineralization may be extended up to a total of 30 m (Skerl, 1959). In 1970, 538 soils were collected with copper intensities ranging between 6 ppm to 212 ppm (Assessment report 02530). The Mud showing (Minfile 092INW025) has historic work reported dating back to 1959 where 5 outcrops of copper mineralization are described to occur over a distance of approximately 1.6 km. Historic Work consisted of bull dozer trenching, limited geophysical and geochemical surveys and 355m of percussion drilling.At the FYP showing, where historic samples taken from quartz veins have assayed up to 0.32% molybdenum and 0.35 g/t gold (Nelson, J. (1985-10-01): B.C. Gold Reconnaissance 1985 - Lillooet Project - Final Report; Assessment Report 30875; Minfile 092ISW109, 092ISW110). Previous work has focused on the area’s molybdenum potential, with minimal exploration for gold. 

The field team visited the 928 ha Tyber gold-copper-silver project located approximately 18 km southwest of Parksville, BC. The visit was comprised of one day on the project with a crew of four. Access roads and trails were mapped, and a recently constructed logging road was prospected. The crew prospected the area of the main showing and successfully located one of two historic adits which has caved in, and only the waste dump was accessible. Two samples where collected from the waste dump and two grab samples of quartz vein material were collected.

 Historic rock samples taken from the property between 1916 and 1986 assayed up to 2.328 oz/t Au (from historic adit dump), 16% Cu and 305.5 oz/t Ag (1916 BC Mines Annual Report; Minfile 092F236). The Tyber Project consists of several mineralized shear zones ranging from less than 0.30 m to 2.60 m. Two historical adits on the Tyber Project, believed to be targeting mineralized quartz veins within local shear zones, extend approximately 14 m and 47 m in length (1981 Assessment Report 09432).The field team visited the 1,331 ha Gretna Green gold-copper-silver project (the “Gretna Green Project”) located approximately 24 km Southwest of Port Alberni. Due to a generalized description from the historic report in 1921, the team was unable to locate the site where a selected sample assayed 48.00 grams per tonne gold, 51.43 grams per tonne silver and 17.8 percent copper (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1921; Minfile 092F24). The team collected five grab samples with weakly anomalous gold values ranging from 9 ppb to 53 ppb.