2020 Green Springs Drill Program
VANCOUVER - Contact Gold Corp. reported its proposed 2020 drill and exploration program for the Green Springs gold project located on the southern end of the Cortez Trend in Nevada.
Key Points: Planning for up to 9,000 meters of reverse circulation and diamond drilling at Green Springs; Fully permitted at Green Springs for all drilling plans; Drill targets in order of priority include: Echo Zone where 2019 drilling returned 2.36 g/t Au over 70.1m, The never drilled Tango Target where gold-in-rock and gold-in-soil sampling have identified a brand new 500m x 200m target, Expanding the Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Zones; where Contact Gold's drilling returned broad intervals of gold mineralization in 2019 (1.68 g/t Au over 35.05m and 1.02 g/t over 22.86m), and Zulu, Whiskey and Foxtrot targets which have never been drilled
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") and the U.S. Forest Service ("USFS") have approved drill plans for the Green Springs gold project. The project has an existing USFS Plan of Operations permit ("Plan") for 75 acres of disturbance and a Notice of Intent permit has been obtained on the BLM land to drill the Zulu target.
The Tango Target has never been drill tested. It is hosted in the Pilot Shale at the contact with the underlying Guilmette limestone; the same horizon that hosts drilled gold mineralization at the Alpha Zone, located 500m to the South. A large gold-in-soil anomaly with values ranging from 122 ppb Au to 1070 ppb Au was outlined by previous operators over an area measuring 500 m x 250 m. Contact Gold geologists mapped and rock sampled the northern portion of Tango in early winter 2019, with 26 rock samples collected. The highest gold samples grading +1 g/t were collected from strongly decalcified, oxidized Pilot Shale adjacent to the intensely silicified Pilot Shale.
Echo is the highest-grade zone of gold mineralization at Green Springs. This gold mineralization is hosted at the Chainman - Joana contact, within highly altered shale and jasperoid. Mineralization at Echo remains open to the east, with individual assays from well oxidized material up to 21 g/t Au. Routine cyanide solubility assays along with initial bottle roll tests show excellent gold recoveries from cyanide assays.
The Company intends to continue stepping out within the Chainman - Joana target, and to drill slightly deeper to the untested lower Pilot Shale target in this area. The Pilot Shale is the host unit at the Alpha Zone and the Tango and Whiskey Targets.
A zone of shallow, well oxidized gold mineralization located in the northern portion of Green Springs. Gold mineralization at Alpha is sub horizontal and is hosted within strongly altered Pilot Shale. Results from routine cyanide solubility assays and first pass cyanide bottle roll tests show excellent cyanide recoveries from holes drilled in 2019. Previous operators reported refractory mineralization, but the database acquired by Contact Gold did not contain any cyanide assays. Contact Gold intends to focus on expanding the mineralized footprint at Alpha by aggressively stepping out on existing high-grade intercepts particularly to the west.
The Zulu Target is located 200m south of the Echo Zone. This target represents the southern continuation of the north-south mine trend of gold mineralization that extends from Bravo zone over 2 km to the north southward through Charlie and Delta pits and through the Echo zone, at an intersection with a northwestward striking cross fault, which is an important control to gold mineralization in all the known zones. One historical hole along this trend, which returned 18.29m of 0.62 g/t Au, indicates that significant thicknesses of gold mineralization continue to the south of Echo.
Charlie is the largest of three open pits mined in the 1980's at Green Springs mine, where gold was produced from the altered Chainman Shale and Joana Limestone contact. A shallow zone of oxidized gold mineralization was left in the ground on the north end of the Charlie pit. In addition, the Pilot Shale target is poorly drill-tested beneath the Charlie Pit and the northern end of the Charlie Zone. Importantly, one of three holes to penetrate the Pilot Shale did intercept 7.62 meters grading 0.29 g/t Au; providing proof that the horizon is mineralized not only at the Alpha zone, but beneath the old mine trend, where only 8 holes have tested 3 km of strike length.
The Bravo Zone features near surface gold mineralization located at the intersection of the Green Springs mine trend and the major cross structure offsetting the mine trend easterly to the Alpha Zone and Tango target. Bravo was not mined by USMX and the Company believes there is an excellent opportunity to expand the zone of shallow gold mineralization that was shown to have excellent cyanide recovery from the one hole drilled by Contact Gold in 2019.
Whiskey and Foxtrot have never been drill tested, despite soil samples up to 1.00 g/t Au at Whiskey, which is hosted at the Pilot / Guilmette contact, and despite rock samples up to 1.62 g/t Au and soil samples up to 173 ppb Au at Foxtrot which is hosted at the Chainman / Joana with the underlying Pilot/Guilmette host horizon also untested by drilling.