Phase I Rock Geochemical Sampling Program Initiated At Divide Mine And Castile Mountain Properties

ALBERTA - Crestview Exploration Inc. has initiated Phase I rock geochemical sampling programs at both the Divide Mine and Castile Mountain properties. Sampling work to be undertaken at the Divide Mine will focus on exploring the southwestern extent of the known mineralized vein system and historic workings on our recently staked claims. Additionally, the Company intends to prospect the highly silicified footwall area of the Divide Mine vein to evaluate the potential for a larger bulk tonnage gold target. Lastly, vein float located further out from the footwall zone will be reconnaissance mapped and sampled to search for parallel precious metals bearing quartz veins.

Sampling work to be undertaken at Castile Mountain will focus on exploring paleo hot spring vents that crop out at the top of the mountain and the silicified volcanic rocks that underlay the paleo sinter. Additionally, the area will be reconnaissance mapped to try and determine the depth to the volcanic rock-sedimentary rock unconformity contact which can be a good gold host in this region.

VP Exporation, Mark Abrams, said, "This work is fundamental prospecting directed at extending and expanding the known mineralized areas on both of these exciting properties. We are looking forward to getting our exploration program started right away."