HSAMT Survey At Rock Creek And Falcon Gold Prospects
CALGARY - Crestview Exploration Inc. reported on the 2022 Hybrid-Source Audio Magnetotellurics (HSAMT) survey at the Rock Creek and Falcon gold-silver prospects in the Tuscarora Mountains of Elko County, Nevada. Four survey lines were carried out at Rock Creek and one lines was conducted at Falcon, for a total of approximately 6,800 meters surveyed.
The lines were oriented E-W to cross the dominant structural fabric in the area. The four lines at Rock Creek were widely spaced across the length of the property, and the Falcon line was chosen to offset the inherited Falcon CSAMT data in the area of the historic mine. The survey penetrated to approximately 800 meters depth, providing strong indicators for major structural and possible lithological changes.
Crestview is in the process of integrating this data with the other results taken to date, including the 2022 high-resolution mapping at Rock Creek. The surface lithologies and interpreted stratigraphic sections are being utilized to interpret possible lithology/Formation changes. Additionally, the vertical/sub-vertical structures (which reach the surface) in the HSAMT sections correspond well with the mapped faults.
There appear to be deep-penetrating anomalies in all of the HSAMT sections, which may represent favorable structures for hydrothermal fluid flow and subsequent alteration and mineralization. There is also a marked horizontal contrast in resistivity at Rock Creek, approximately below the 1,700-1,800 meter mark where the contour spacing begins to widen significantly. This contrast may represent a paleosurface between the upper volcanic sequence and the underlying Paleozoic metasedimentary sequence.
The section at Falcon corresponds well with the nearest CSAMT section Crestview inherited with the Falcon data (Ironwood Gold Corp.: Preliminary Assessment of Falcon Mine Property, 2012). In the inherited report, the low-resistivity signal at depth (below approximately the 1,800 meter mark) is interpreted to indicate “extremely conductive altered carbonaceous lower plate sediments.”
Crestview is utilizing this and all other data collected to date to update and finalize drill targets for the 2023 program. The company aims to drill between 8,000 to 12,000 feet at Rock Creek, and another 2,000 to 3,000 feet at Divide in the coming field season.
CEO, Chris Wensley, said, “We are very encouraged and excited by what we are seeing in the HSAMT data and how it corresponds with our mapping efforts. Crestview has now accomplished all of the preliminary work set out ahead of drilling at Rock Creek, including mapping, sampling, and collecting geophysical and geochemical data. We are now in a position to pick the best possible drill targets at Rock Creek, and we are eager to test the targets in 2023.”