Lithium Extraction Test At Nevada Pilot Plant

VANCOUVER - Cypress Development Corp. reported the successful completion of a 14-day operating test at the lithium extraction pilot plant in Nevada. During this period, the pilot plant operated continuously treating lithium-bearing claystone from the Clayton Valley Lithium Project.

"The progress so far is substantial, and we are very pleased with the initial results,” said, Bill Willoughby, President and CEO. "We have now completed 3, 7 and 14-day tests, achieving improvements in the operation and gaining important knowledge as we develop our unique lithium extraction process."  

Performance within areas of the Pilot Plant - Continuous test, operating 24 hours per day: 1) 97% utilization throughout the plant, including leaching, filtration, and lithium extraction areas. 2) Change in filtration equipment resulting in lower moisture content in final tails. 3) Reagent consumptions in-line with projected recoveries of 80 to 85%.

More than 700 samples were collected for analysis and sent to an external certified laboratory. Due to turn-around time from the laboratory, analyses from earlier tests are only now beginning to be received. The Company's on-site laboratory continues to be used to generate internal assays and guide operations. In the final step of the process, an equipment failure limited the amount of product solution targeted for shipment for offsite treatment. That item of equipment is currently being addressed. The pilot plant continues to operate to generate the required amount of product solution, and to test an alternate configuration and operating conditions in leaching and filtration.