Gold Intersection At The Maitland Gold Project
LEAD, SD - Dakota Gold Corp. reported on drill holes MA23C-011, MA23C-012, MA23C-013, and MA23C-014 at the Maitland Gold Project. These holes were designed to test the Unionville Tertiary-aged epithermal gold mineralization with tighter hole spacing. The results from these drill holes demonstrate exceptional continuity of the gold mineralization along the structural trend that defines the Unionville Zone. Additionally, the two intercepts reported in MA23C-012 and MA23C-013 have identified new zones of Homestake Mine-style gold mineralization along the western fringe of the structural corridor that has now been extended by drilling a distance approximately 3.1 miles (5.0 km).
In-fill drilling (MA22C-009, MA23C-011, MA23C-012, MA23C-013, and MA23C-014) between the widely spaced early intercepts in MA22C-001, MA23C-002, MA23C-003, and MA23C-007 verify that the Tertiary epithermal gold mineralization of the Unionville Zone is continuous along a significant north-south structure that appears to control the mineralization. Drill results to date have only tested 2,000 feet of the potential 11,000 feet of Tertiary epithermal mineralization. MA23C-012 and MA23C-013 identified new zones of Homestake Mine-style gold mineralization at the western margins of the structural corridor. The Maitland Drill Program is now transitioning from widely spaced drill holes designed to define stratigraphy, to more tightly spaced drilling on the JB Gold Zone and the Unionville Zone discoveries. The Company plans to move one drill from the Richmond Hill Gold Project to Maitland to drill the Unionville Zone at tighter spacing in advance of developing a maiden resource.
James Berry, Vice President Exploration, said, "We are pleased that the Unionville Zone Tertiary epithermal gold mineralization appears to connect between our wider spaced first pass drilling. The presence of Homestake Mine-style mineralization in MA23C-012 and MA23C-013 provide continued evidence that the Homestake Mine-style Precambrian orogenic gold system is present at Maitland."