Discrete Anomalies Identified And Drill Targets Refined At at the High-Grade Star Copper-Gold-Silver Project

TORONTO - Getchell Gold Corp. reported that the Induced Polarization (IP) geophysical survey at the Star Copper-Gold-Silver Project in Pershing County, Nevada, has further identified and refined priority drill targets.

Key Highlights: Four discrete anomalies, identified at Star Point copper and Star South Cu-Au-Ag occurrences, exhibit IP geophysical responses characteristic of porphyry style mineralization; Star Point has two pronounced low-resistivity high-conductivity anomalies that potentially reflect favorable target alteration and mineralization. One anomaly is coincident with a chargeability high, potentially a response to disseminated sulphides, while the other anomaly is structurally linked to the observed high-grade copper mineralization at surface; Star South has a prominent low resistivity anomaly that directly underlies the main high-grade Cu-Au-Ag showing and is considered a priority target. Located 600m northwest is a high resistivity anomaly bounded by chargeability anomalies that is potentially indicative of an intrusion fringed by sulphide mineralization; and A drill program is planned for the first half of 2021.

"The 2020 IP geophysical survey, with the increased coverage, has accomplished its objective by modeling well defined anomalies that closely fit with the target mineralizing model and may reflect the source of the high-grade mineralization observed at surface. We look forward to the drill program planned for the first half of next year to test several of these priority targets," said, Mike Sieb, President.

The Star Copper-Gold-Silver property is situated in Pershing County, Nevada, approximately 65 kilometers to the North of the Company's flagship Fondaway Canyon advanced stage exploration gold project where a 2,000m drill program has recently concluded. The Star Project comprises two main mineralized occurrences, the formerly producing Star Point copper mine and the Star South Cu-Au-Ag prospect situated 2 kilometers to the south.

Combining the 2018 and 2020 IP surveys, each of the Star Point and Star South target areas are now covered by a series of three parallel geophysical survey lines spaced 250 meters apart. The IP survey results in conjunction with previous geophysical survey responses, geology and structural interpretations, have identified a number of discrete priority drill targets.

The priority targets that have been identified at Star primarily exhibit a low resistivity response signifying a highly conductive target and classic characteristics of porphyry style mineralization and alteration. A coincident low-resistivity high-chargeability anomaly is located 400 meters to the southwest of the Star Point copper mine occurrence in an area of basin fill cover. The anomaly is bounded by high-angle structures similar to the ones observed at surface at the mineralized Star Point occurrence and represents a high priority target. Approximately 500 meters to the northeast of Star Point a large low-resistivity zone has been identified. The most intense response appears bounded by high angle structures within an overall shallow angle bounding structure that trends upslope to the southwest and at its zenith truncates directly below the Star Point surface occurrence.

A prominent low resistivity zone crosses all three IP lines directly beneath the Star South showing. This anomaly closely correlates with low chargeability suggesting fluids associated with the mineralizing system has caused alteration to the original sulphides. Approximately 600 m northwest of the Star South showing in an area of thin basin fill cover is a zone of high resistivity bounded by chargeability anomalies and is potentially indicative of the presence of a possible intrusion rimmed with sulphide rich material. An airborne magnetic high located to the southwest supports the concept of an intrusive center to a mineralized porphyry system.

The Star Point Cu Mine is the site of a historic, near surface, high-grade copper oxide (tenorite) mine that operated from the late 1940s through the mid-1950s. The ore produced was shipped to a smelter in Utah for processing, but there is no record of shipped tonnage or grade. The historical development is focused on a 300 x 300 m area at the southern edge of a N-S trending promontory. The surface area is covered with various pits, portals, shafts, open cuts, and associated dumps. The underground development consists of several short shafts, winzes and tunnels of varying length leading to a series of stopes and drifts. The high-grade copper mineralization is associated with quartz veins hosted within shear zones and the dumps contain numerous strongly mineralized specimens of malachite and azurite. A surface sampling program, initiated in 2011, with the samples* primarily sourced from the dumps and to a lesser extent from outcrop. Of the 79 grab samples collected, 13 samples grade >0.5% Cu that include 9 samples grading >1% Cu. The higher-grade copper samples are associated with the main workings, with the highest reporting grades of 4.25, 3.00 and 2.35% Cu..

The Star South Prospect is located 2 kms south of the Star Point Mine and is comprised of a series of pits, artisanal adits and associated dumps within a 300 x 150 m east-west trending area. The adits appear to follow high-grade copper-gold-silver mineralization hosted within quartz veins that are associated with shears trending in several different orientations. As part of the 2011 sampling campaign 89 samples* were collected with the vast majority sourced from the dumps in the area. As with Star Point, malachite and azurite mineralization is abundant and indicative of a high copper content, however Star South is additionally rich in gold and silver. A significant portion of the samples collected reported impressive grades of copper, gold, and silver in combination. Of the 89 samples collected, 40 samples grade >1% Cu, 21 samples grade >1 g/t Au with 3 reporting >5 g/t Au, and 20 samples grade >30 g/t Ag with 5 reporting >100 g/t Ag.