Updates Additional Targets On Flagship Project In Nevada
VANCOUVER - Gold Springs Resource Corp. reported on two additional target areas from the Gold Springs project. GRC has had an ongoing program to complete the initial mapping and detailed sampling of the 32 target areas within the Gold Springs Project in order to ready them for future drilling programs. The two areas presented here are the Fluorite and Pinyon targets located on the Nevada portion of the claim block. Both targets display similarities to the existing, defined resources located within the GRC claim block.
Matias Herrero, President and CEO, said, "Our field crew continues to demonstrate the high quality of the 32 targets we have identified on the Gold Springs project. This work demonstrates the potential for developing new resources within the project area through our planned future drill programs. We have long stressed the scale of the Gold Springs project where we have consolidated four historic mining districts. Our target definition work helps to demonstrate the potential scale and resource expansion opportunities of the Gold Springs Project."
The Fluorite target is a resurgent rhyolite dome complex located immediately north of the Pope target within the Gold Springs caldera system. The target is a large structural zone hosting banded fluorite and associated gold mineralization. A few historic workings occur in the area consisting of one shaft and one adit, both developed to exploit the gold-fluorite-bearing zone. Outcrops around the fluorite occurrence display silicified rhyolite with discontinuous, stringer quartz veining carrying gold values up to 1.11 g/t. The Fluorite occurrences are banded with thin seams of hematite clay between bands. When panned these clay seams produce tails of flower gold. Samples taken of the banded fluorite have graded as high as 23.45 g/t gold. One select sample of the hematite clays returned values of 1.38 g/t Au and 6.5 g/t Silver.
The target covers 2.2 square kilometers that are largely covered with colluvium and post-mineral tuffs. However, where exposures are found, northeast-trending sheeted-calcite-quartz-vein zones display coarse-bladed textures similar to those found at the existing resource areas on the project. The sheeted vein zones have widths of up to 50 metres before being lost under post-mineral cover. Mineralized float is also found throughout the target area with samples of calcite-quartz and quartz vein material grading as high as 3.3 g/t Au and 6.9 g/t silver. Altered andesite host rock sampled in float returned grades of 3.69 g/t Au and 16.1 g/t silver.