Update For Additional Targets On Flagship Project

VANCOUVER - Gold Springs Resource Corp.(GRC) reported on two additional target areas from the Gold Springs project. GRC continues to finalize field work on the targets thus far identified within the Gold Springs Project located in Nevada and Utah in the Eastern Great Basin. The latest targets are the Iris and Camp Bell located on the Nevada side of the project area. Both targets have produced high-grade gold samples from surface and offer potential for new discoveries in future drill programs.

Matias Herrero, President and CEO, said, "Our target definition work continues to produce positive results as we complete the detailed work on our 32 targets as they are prepared for future drill programs. Our work over this field season continues to demonstrate the scale and quality of our targets and the potential to develop new resources from future drill programs."

The Iris vein has produced very high-grade gold values from surface sampling returning numbers as high as 38 g/t gold. Trenching along the Iris vein continually returned values from 2.15 to 17.76 g/t Au along the 20-meter strike length of the vein exposed in trenches.

The Camp Bell target is located immediately north of the Lost World target along Gold Springs Wash on the Nevada side of the project. Camp Bell is predominantly a covered target with a thin veneer of colluvium (gravel), however, the target is dominated by high-grade float samples which are found along the hillsides above the Gold Springs Wash and are spread over an area of 1,000 x 200 meters.

Mineralized float consist of veins, breccia and stockwork some of which return high-grade sample results >10 g/t gold. The target is defined by the Gold Springs Wash structural corridor which has a strike length of over 7 kilometers and runs north-south to north-east through the Camp Bell target. At the northern end of the Camp Bell target area the Gold Springs fault system jogs to the northeast for 3 kilometers before continuing north through the Juniper target where it is known to host mineralization.

Many high-grade samples have been collected by the Company from veins, breccia and stockwork found in float scattered across the target. These gold barring samples range up to 145.68 g/t gold with 148.2 g/t silver and extend over an area of 1,000 x 200 meters.