Rodeo Gold-Silver Project Resource Definition Program
GOLDEN, CO - Golden Minerals Company has received final assays from its resource definition drill program at the Rodeo gold-silver project located in Durango State, Mexico. Assay results from the final 14 holes of the 35 holes drilled in the 1400-meter drill program show continued wide zones of high-grade near-surface gold mineralization. Drill hole depths averaged 40 meters. Orientations of drill holes are shown in the table below. Mineralized material consists of highly silicified epithermal veins and breccias hosted in felsic volcanic rocks.
The drill program was designed to provide greater detail on the controls of gold mineralization at Rodeo and to provide additional material for metallurgical and geotechnical test work. Confirmation of continuity of the gold grades in the core of the deposit is an important step towards the future development of the Rodeo project as outlined in the recent Preliminary Economic Assessment.
Golden Minerals has submitted eight samples to Resource Development Inc. in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, for metallurgical test work to measure the gold and silver recoveries at a range of gold grades to fully understand the gold recovery throughout the deposit.
Warren Rehn, President and Chief Executive Officer, said, "We are pleased with the continued positive results from the drilling at Rodeo. The drill program has provided us with significant additional information on the details of the high-grade gold zone, expanding the extent of potentially mineable material in many areas of the planned open pit.”