Oko-Aremu Property Ongoing Exploration Campaign

TORONTO - G2 Goldfields Inc. reported further exploration results from the ongoing exploration campaign at the 19,200-acre Oko-Aremu property, Guyana.  Highlights of the recently received results include: At the Oko Main Zone, diamond drill hole OKD-59 intersected 8.9 g/t Au over a 4-meter core length (estimated true horizontal width of 2.6 m); Trenching 2 km WNW of Oko has intercepted broad zones of disseminated gold mineralization with trench OKTR-5 exposing 95 m @ 1.1 g/t Au.; and Initial trenching at the “Tracy” area 10 km WNW of Oko has encountered significant mineralization with trench TTR2 intersecting 4.8 g/t Au over 16 m.

Additionally, the Company announces the completion of construction of a new camp at Aremu as well as construction of over a dozen drill pads at the 4 km long Aremu Mine Zone.  Initial diamond drilling targets include the historic Aremu, Donnicker, Scotland, Powerhouse, and Lunch veins. Oko Area Diamond Drilling

The Company has completed 63 holes to date totaling 13,971 metres; drilling has outlined gold mineralization in excess of 1.2 kilometer strike length and to vertical depths of up to 350 m.

G2 is actively exploring several gold-in-soil anomalies located west and north west of the Oko Main Zone. To date, the Company has completed 6 trenches totaling 1057 metres.  Significantly, trench OKTR-5 intersected a broad zone of low-grade gold mineralization with a weighted average of 1.1 g/t Au over 95 m. This trench includes a 2-meter section which assayed 31.7 g/t Au. Trench OKTR-4 located 400 m east of OKTR-5 has also encountered numerous zones of mineralization over its 448 m length, including 2 m @ 5.5 g/t Au, 10 m @ 1.0 g/t Au, 8 m @ 1.0 g/t Au and 2 m @ 4.7 g/t Au.  Numerous additional anomalies require follow up work, Dan Noone, CEO said, “Mineralization encountered at NW Oko highlights the potential for large, disseminated, low-grade deposits to be hosted alongside, or intersected by, high-grade vein systems within the Oko–Aremu Gold District”.

The Tracy District lies approximately 10 km NW of Oko and is defined by a significant gold-in-soil anomaly.  Additionally, historical records reveal Golden Star trench TT1 completed in 1992 intersected 10.7 g/t Au over 15 m (Results from TT1 are extracted from “Aremu Prospecting License Final Report 1993 – Golden Star Resources”. This work was completed prior to the implementation of National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101). The Company is of the view that the above historical data is reliable, however it has been unable to independently confirm the historic results.)   G2 has completed 6 trenches totaling 608 metres several hundred metres east of Golden Star trenching. The best results include 16 m @ 4.8 g/t Au which includes and encompasses a high-grade section of 2 m @ 32.4 g/t Au.

G2 Goldfields will be drilling at Aremu Mine District, 1 km NW of Tracy by September 20, 2020 and expects to drill at least 20 holes totaling approximately 5000 meters over the coming months. Drilling programs are also currently being designed for Oko NW, Tracy, and the Oko Main Zone.

Drill core is logged and sampled in a secure core storage facility located on the Oko project site, Guyana. Core samples from the program are cut in half, using a diamond cutting saw, and are sent to MSALABS Guyana, in Georgetown, Guyana, which is an accredited mineral analysis laboratory, for analysis. Samples from sections of core with obvious gold mineralization are analyzed for total gold using an industry standard 500g metallic screen fire assay (MSALABS method MSC 550). All other samples are analyzed for gold using standard Fire Assay-AA with atomic absorption finish (MSALABS method; FAS-121). Samples returning over 10.0 g/t gold are analyzed utilizing standard fire assay gravimetric methods (MSALABS method; FAS-425). Certified gold reference standards, blanks and field duplicates are routinely inserted into the sample stream, as part of G2 Goldfield’s quality control/quality assurance program (QAQC).