Substantial Increase Of Open-Pit Mineral Resources At Muntanga Uranium Project
VANCOUVER - GoviEx Uranium Inc. announced an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for its Muntanga Uranium Project in Zambia. The Muntanga Project consists of three mining permits that cover some 720km2, and contains five deposits: Dibbwi, Dibbwi East, Muntanga, Gwabi and Njame.
Daniel Major, CEO, said, “Our drilling campaigns in 2021 and 2022 have led to a significant update in the Muntanga mineral resource estimate. This progress is characterized by a notable growth in in-pit resources, a substantial conversion of inferred resources into the Indicated category, and an overall rise in uranium grades. What's more exciting is that this upward trajectory in resource growth persists even under lower uranium prices, such as the USD50/lb used in our Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA)1. There is also additional potential for further upgrading of inferred resources, thereby expanding the resources that can be included in the feasibility study. These are very promising results and will be integrated into our ongoing feasibility study."
The 2023 updated MRE is the result of extensive infill drilling, including 8,010 metres drilled in 2021 and a further 19,990 metres drilling in 2022, predominately on the Dibbwi East deposit, to further delineate the deposit and convert inferred resources to the indicated category. The mineral resource update included a comprehensive reassessment of previous work and a revised correlation between down-hole radiometric probe data and chemical assays used to convert down-hole radiometric data into equivalent uranium grades (eU3O8) for mineral resource estimation.
Based on the USD50/lb U3O8, used to define the mining schedule in the 2017 PEA, constrained total pit resources are 36.5 Mlb eU3O8, comprising 34 Mt at 374 ppm eU3O8 for 28.4 Mlb in measured and indicated and 11 Mt at 348 ppm eU3O8 for 8.1 Mlb of inferred, highlighting the robustness of the mineral resources at Muntanga. With the quality of the resource estimate improved, higher M&I, higher grade and a notable increase in estimated resources within the constrained open-pit area, we are optimistic that the updated MRE will be favourable to the project economics previously estimated for Muntanga in the PEA, and especially as the ongoing drilling is targeting conversion of more inferred resources into indicated resources.
As per the regulations applicable the MRE reported did not need to be constrained by pit shells based on any particular uranium price, as almost all mineralisation at the time occurred within 125 m of surface with uranium grades that were, in general, considered to have a reasonable prospect for eventual economic extraction ("RPEEE") by open pit mining. The cut-off grade used for reporting the 2017 MRE was 100 ppm eU3O8.
The 2023 MRE is disclosed including an additional constraint applied to comply with the RPEEE and is accordingly reported within a constraining open-pit shell based on a uranium selling price of USD70/lb U3O8 and a 100 ppm eU3O8 cut-off grade.