Step Out Drillhole At The Herbert Gold Project

VANCOUVER - Grande Portage Resources Ltd. reported the first assay results from the summer drill program at its Herbert Gold Project located in S.E Alaska. These partial results are from Pad T, the northern most pad which tested the Main vein, Goat vein and the Ridge vein. The Company also reports its first assays from the Pad U located a few hundred meters to the southeast of Pad T where it tested the eastern extensions of the Main vein. (The first hole 20T-1 was abandoned within a few metres due to deviation from its intended azimuth).

The Goat vein is an extraordinarily strong and consistent structure with numerous associated splays and satellite structures which are often well-mineralized and constitute future drill targets. The high grade assay tabulated in hole 20T-3 is 170 meters east of any drilling on the Goat vein conducted to date.

In addition, drilling on the Deep Trench vein extended coverage approximately 100 meters eastward and it filled in the deep western portion of the vein. The Main vein saw drilling which was 200 meters deeper into the central portion of the vein then was previously tested. The Company continues to test known primary veins within the system but also drilled areas previously untested. One such exploratory hole was into the Elusive vein, south of the Deep Trench vein, which was successful in confirming the existence of the structure at depth which consisted of a 2.5 meter intercept of a structure containing Fe-carbonate alteration, weak silicification. Visible gold was observed in this intercept but assay results have not been received.

The Company has currently drilled almost 7500 meters and have holes into the North vein, Goat vein, Sleeping Giant and Ridge veins, Main vein, Deep Trench, Floyd and Elusive veins and numerous subsidiary veins and structures in between. Final sample results are expected throughout October and into December. Assay processing from the lab has been especially slow this year due to Covid-19 related protocols. Drilling with two rigs continues. When completed, the program will consist of 21 holes for a total of approximately 8500 meters. Visual inspection of the core has been very encouraging with at least 15 intercepts of veins showing visible gold.

Ian Klassen, President, said, "This drill program reaffirms the emerging and ever-enlarging mesothermal vein system discovered at the Herbert gold project. These results continue to expand the resource database and knowledge of this system. All veins drilled have encountered mineralized material. Mesothermal veins are commonly less than two metres wide and at the Herbert deposit often occur in parallel sets."