La Estrella Epithermal Silver-Gold Project In Huancavelica Province Has Been Acquired
VANCOUVER – Highlander Silver Corp. has acquired the 400 hectare Estrella 001 concession pursuant to an agreement with Compamia Minera Ares S.A.C. and the contiguous 200 hectare Estrella 002 concession by auction from the Peruvian mining authority. The La Estrella project is located in the Huancavelica Department, Central Peru, about 250 km ESE of Lima, on the eastern slope of the Western Cordillera. It is within the prolific Miocene polymetallic belt. Mineralization at La Estrella occurs spatially and genetically associated with a sequence of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks, comprising coarse fragmental dome-diatreme andesite, massive porphyritic andesite and dacite dome facies, with late stage emplacement of amygdaloidal, biotite-feldspar porphyritic lamprophyre dykes and sills. These rocks lie on the hanging wall of a west-dipping fault, against redbeds of the Permo-Triassic Mitu Formation.