IMC Mobilizes Exploration Crews To The Thane Property
VANCOUVER, BC - IMC International Mining Corp. has begun mobilizing crews to begin fieldwork on its Thane Property (the "Property") located in north-central British Columbia, Canada. Work on the Property has identified six areas of significant gold ± copper ± silver mineralization. Fieldwork in 2020 will focus predominantly in the Cathedral Area and will consist of ground geophysics, alteration mapping, along with rock, soil, and silt sampling, all with the purpose of delineating the best targets for drill testing.
The Thane Property to date has had six areas of significant gold ± copper ± silver mineralization identified - The Cathedral, Gail, Cirque, CJL, Lake, and Mat Areas of the Property. Fieldwork this summer will encompass all Areas to some degree but will focus exploration efforts at the Cathedral Area. Phase 1 work at the Cathedral Area in 2020 will consist of a detailed ground geophysical survey centered over last year's geophysical discovery, alteration mapping, rock, soil, silt sampling, and pad building. Phase 2 work at the Cathedral Area in 2020 is expected to consist of diamond drilling to be conducted in the fall, based on the results of the above-detailed exploration work.
The Thane Property totals 206km2 (50,904 acres) in area and is located in north-central British Columbia. Summer and fall are generally the most attractive seasons of the year to conduct fieldwork in this region. Rugged Edge Holdings Ltd. has been contracted to provide a full-service camp facility to support IMC's 2020 work program. Field crews have been mobilized to the Property area earlier this week and are close to completing the construction of a base camp. The camp facility is constructed and managed to meet all Covid-19 procedures and protocols, reflecting guidance from the government and provincial health authorities, to provide worker safety on and off-site.
Induced polarization and resistivity (IP/resistivity) is a tool commonly used in mineral exploration to detect electrical chargeability and conductivity in the sub-surface. In 2019, a reconnaissance 5-line, pole-dipole, IP geophysical survey was undertaken within the Cathedral Area using an electrode spacing of 100 meters. This survey identified three areas of interest that include a broad 600-meter wide anomaly extending to depth east of the Cathedral Showing. Although no rock outcrop/samples occur around the broad, 600-meter IP anomaly, a contour soil line covering this area returned copper-in-soil anomalies at both the eastern and western edges of this anomaly.
Concurrent with the geophysics, soil sampling will be conducted over the same geophysical grid. As with the 2019 results, it is hoped that anomalous levels of copper and/or gold in the soil will be detected and those anomalies will coincide with areas of conductivity or resistivity, suggesting the presence of mineralization. Alteration mapping of the Cathedral Area will also be completed to maximize the potential for successful drill hole targeting.
"We are very excited to begin our 2020 exploration program in the Cathedral Area and we are diligently working towards exploring and developing the entire Thane Property," said Brian Thurston, Chief Executive Officer. "This region is a very active gold and copper exploration area of British Columbia, similar to BC's renowned ‘Golden Triangle'. The Quesnel Terrane along the northeast contact of the Hogem Batholith is an alkalic suite of rocks hosting several porphyry copper-gold deposits. The Thane Property is well situated in this district, approximately 116 km southeast of the Kemess Mine, and 155 km northwest of the Mount Milligan Mine."