Rock Sample Results From Imperial Project
VANCOUVER - JNC Resources Inc. reported the results of a rock sampling program at our Imperial Project. “We are extremely pleased with the rock samples at our Imperial Project in Nevada. With grades as high as 16.65 g/t we are now ready to formulate our fully funded, permit ready, drill program anticipated for Q4 2020. The test grids have identified large and open gold in soil anomalies that further support the potential for large and continuous gold bearing vein targets through the area,” said, CEO Michael Mulberry.
Six selected rock samples were collected at surface to help target the upcoming drill program. Grades as high as 16.65 g/t Au were found along the main, southeast trending Imperial fault structure, with up to 2.25 g/t Au seen on a northeast trending structure. The lowest result was from a sample taken from a prospect pit on a color anomaly across the canyon, which yielded 0.98 g/t Au.
The sampling was concentrated in areas of surface mineralization occurring beyond the limits of the fault zone that offsets the known mineralization. This is suggestive of the potential that the mineralization extends past the fault that stopped the original Imperial adit, which has subsequently influenced drill hole planning. The 2.25 g/t Au sample also shows strong potential for gold along northeast trending structures as well, some of which have gold enriched jasperoids outcropping at surface. While barely under one g/t Au, the sample across the canyon also shows potential for further gold bearing structures along the property.