NOI Submitted To Begin Drilling At The Si2 Gold Project
VANCOUVER - K2 Gold Corporation has submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to begin drilling at the Si2 Gold Project. The NOI covers the preparation of up to 15 drill sites with hole depths of up to 600m each, for which the Company has secured a diamond drill. The targets at Si2 exhibit many characteristics of a preserved mineralized epithermal system. K2's initial drill program is designed to drill test steeply dipping faults which act as the plumbing for large, steam-heated alteration zones. Faults on the property which are found adjacent to, and within the alteration zones have been confirmed as key fluid pathways through multiple geological, geochemical, geophysical surveys. These structures appear to control the extensive steam-heated alteration observed at surface and may be indicative of a preserved epithermal system.
"The targets at Si2 are indicative of a preserved epithermal system. Since acquiring the Si2 project in January 2022, our team has rapidly developed targets based on geologic, geochemical, and geophysical evidence compiled using numerous methods. We plan to test the highest-ranking targets and are focusing on potential areas of precious mineral enrichment in the "boiling zone" of the epithermal system which we believe may lie at depth beneath the alteration we see at surface at Si2.", said Anthony Margarit, President and CEO.