Drill Program On The Mohave Gold Project

VANCOUVER, BC - Kingman Minerals Ltd. is preparing a drill campaign with a focus on the historic mine area within the Mohave Project to twin prior 1984 drill program. The Mohave Project is located in the Music Mountains in Mohave County, Arizona and is comprised of 20 lode claims which are inclusive of the historic past producing Rosebud Mine, eight separate veins and one prominent double vein which extend from the northwest corner to nearly the southeast corner of the claims block.

Significant results, which have not yet been verified by the Company, were reported to include 0.125 opt (4.286 g/t) gold and 2.06 opt (70.629 g/t) silver over 31 inches (0.79 meters) in hole #5 at 160 feet (48 meters) depth, and 0.261 opt (8.95 g/t) gold and 0.777 opt (26.64 g/t) silver over 41 inches (1.04 meters) in hole #6 at 55 feet (17 meters) depth. No hole locations are available to the Company.

While the estimations prepared by Bayrock are considered relevant, they were written before NI 43-101 regulations and are therefore not NI 43-101 compliant. The assay values have not been verified and would require additional underground sampling for verification. The Bayrock (1984) drilling data has not been verified but appears reasonable considering the width and grade of the veins in the underground workings. Additional drilling in the vicinity of the Bayrock drilling would be required to verify the above data. In order to upgrade or verify Bayrock's drilling results, the Company would be required to complete additional drilling in the vicinity of the Bayrock drilling.

Kingman is currently devising a drill program in the area of the mine site to verify the drilling data disclosed by Bayrock, and which were used in the historical non-compliant mineral reserve calculations as stated in Bayrock, L.A., 1985, Geology and Mineral Reserves of the Rosebud and Music Mountain Claims, Mohave County, Arizona: prepared for Stellar Resource Corp., 34p. Additionally, the Company is in planning to drill in areas previously not drilled with the intention of expanding the exploration area and potential resource.