Imperial Gold Project Ongoing Positive Impacts

VANCOUVER - KORE Mining Ltd. reported that in its ongoing efforts to generate positive environmental and social impacts from the Imperial Gold Project, it is launching Project ACES – A Clean Environment for the Salton Sea (ACES). Project ACES is just one of the many long term positive benefits that KORE's Imperial Gold Project will bring to the region. The Salton Sea, located in Imperial and Riverside Counties in Southern California, was created by an accidental inflow of water from the Colorado River in 1905. Since that time, it has been contaminated with industrial and agricultural pollution. The Salton Sea is now evaporating, leaving contaminated beaches and diminished wildlife habitat in its wake.  Dry desert winds blow these contaminated beach materials into surrounding communities, creating poor air quality resulting in respiratory disease and other health issues that Imperial Valley communities have been struggling with for decades.

In addition to gold, it will produce an estimated 90 million tons of clean surplus material that was placed in the Imperial Valley by the Colorado River over the past 10 million years.  KORE's Project ACES has the potential to remediate a significant portion of the southern Salton Sea over the next 20 years by using the clean material as a cover for toxic beaches, and thereby improving air. The materials could also support other projects to restore wildlife habitat for migratory birds and recreational areas for local communities, amongst others.

"KORE is excited to be diligently working with our local communities to help find a solution for the significant environmental problems created by the receding Salton Sea," said, Scott Trebilcock, President & CEO. "We are committed to making a difference by leaving a lasting and positive environmental legacy which will improve the quality of life for people in surrounding communities and contribute to their future well being."