Completion Of Exploration Programs AT La Plata Silver-Gold-Copper Project

VANCOUVER - Metallic Minerals reported the successful completion of 2021 exploration activities at the La Plata silver-gold-copper project in the prolific Colorado Mineral Belt of southwest Colorado. The multi-faceted program included 1,980 meters of diamond drilling, resampling of historical drill core, and underground sampling from the Allard Tunnel, along with surface mapping and sampling across the broader property.

In addition, the Company engaged the team at Goldspot Discoveries ("GoldSpot") to apply their proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning technology and specialized geoscience expertise in porphyry and epithermal systems to the La Plata project. GoldSpot completed their first phase analysis work on geological, geochemical, geophysical, and remote sensing data developing 16 new porphyry and high-grade epithermal priority targets for follow up work and future drilling.

The 2021 La Plata project work program was designed to achieve a number of important objective including the completion of confirmatory drilling and underground sampling within the main Allard porphyry target to confirm historical drill results from the 1950s to the 1970s. This confirmatory drilling is an important step towards upgrading of the historical resource to a NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate for the project. In addition to conduct surface exploration and follow-up sampling to further define the scale of mineralization along multiple identified trends that comprise multi-kilometer-scale soil and geophysical targets. Plus, undertake field confirmation of deep-penetrating Induced Polarization ("IP") and airborne electromagnetic ("EM") geophysical targets developed in the 2020 surveys, and initiate work with GoldSpot Discoveries to apply AI technology towards definition of priority targets to potentially accelerate the discovery process on the project.

Drilling and resampling of core in the main Allard porphyry system, along with underground sampling from the Allard Tunnel, has confirmed the tenor of copper, silver and gold mineralization from previous exploration on the property. The 3 kilometer ("km") by 1 km mineralized system remains open to expansion at depth and along trend. This year's work has also shown significant potential for palladium, platinum and gold associated with the porphyry system. Highlight historical drill intercepts include 395 m grading 0.57% copper equivalent (0.51% Cu, 6.3 g/t Ag, and 0.017 g/t Au) including 108 m grading 0.75% copper equivalent (0.65% Cu, 7.7 g/t Ag and 0.034 g/t Au) in drill hole LP-03 starting from surface. Final assay results for drill samples are pending.

Surface sampling has also expanded the main mineralized zone to 6 km in length and up to 1.5 km in width with anomalous copper, silver and gold in soils and rock samples. In addition, a second 4 km by 1 km target, which may represent a new porphyry and epithermal center, has been identified based on geophysics, remote sensing, and surface sampling with rock sample values in porphyry related mineralization up to 1.1% copper with 0.9 g/t gold and multi-gram silver. Rock samples of epithermal related mineralization included values up to 95 g/t silver and 10 g/t Au.

CEO and Chairman, Greg Johnson, stated, "We are pleased to have completed our first drill campaign at La Plata, and the first on the project in nearly 50 years, as we apply new thinking to this historic American high-grade silver, gold and copper district. Our work is confirming the potential for a multi-kilometer-scale mineralized porphyry and epithermal system - a much larger system than previously recognized - with excellent potential to expand known mineralization and to make new discoveries. Drilling, underground and surface sampling, geophysics, and satellite based remote sensing data for La Plata demonstrate real potential to become a strategic, US-based sourced of both precious and base metals, including silver necessary for solar power, and copper necessary for carbon-free energy and broader electrification of the global economy. Our 2021 work program has successfully advanced our understanding of the projects potential and is a major step towards the delineation of an inaugural mineral resource estimate. We look forward to providing additional updates including drill results from both our La Plata and Keno projects, as well as updates from our on-going work on the high-grade alluvial projects in the Klondike Gold district."