Geophysical Surveys At Slumber And Sandy Gold Projects
VANCOUVER - NV Gold Corporation reported that it has completed both a controlled source audio-magnetotelluric (CSAMT) geophysical survey at its Slumber Gold Project and an electromagnetic (EM) (resistivity and conductivity), magnetic (MAG), and radiometric survey at its Sandy Gold Project in Nevada. Full analysis and interpreted results from both surveys are pending.
"NV Gold is excited to have recently completed geophysical surveys at its Slumber and Sandy Gold Projects. The raw data obtained from the geophysical programs is currently being fully processed, and the final interpretations for both projects will be presented over the next couple weeks," said, Peter A. Ball, President & CEO of NV Gold. "It will be a busy fall in Nevada noting both the Slumber and Sandy Projects are currently being advanced for planned drilled programs in the upcoming months."