Historic High-Grade Silver Mines South Of Corcoran Silver-Gold Project Acquired

TORONTO - Nevada Silver Corporation (NSC) has filed 124 new claims and reached agreement to acquire a number of patented claims, to cover two areas of extensive historic silver mines 15 kilometers southwest of its Corcoran Silver-Gold Project and 80 kilometers north-east of Tonopah in central Nevada. A total of 2,800 acres of unpatented and patented claims have been secured.

The new NSC claim areas (Belmont Silver Project and the North Belmont Silver Project) surround or cover the majority of old silver workings of the Belmont silver mining camp near the historic Belmont town.

Belmont was among the earliest and richest silver mining camps in the Tonapah district with an estimated ore head-grade averaging 25 ounces per ton of silver. Historical accounts describe numerous prospect pits and mine openings of shallow underground workings with richest ore above the water table where silver occurred mostly as silver chloride (cerargyrite). Silver-bearing sulfides together with copper, molybdenum, lead, zinc and antimony minerals were reported at depth.