First Results From Drill Program At Pamlico
VANCOUVER - Newrange Gold Corp. reported the first results from the ongoing reverse circulation (RC) drilling program at the Pamlico Gold Project in Nevada. Employees and the drill crew are successfully working under a strict COVID-19 protocol, both on and off site, to ensure the health and safety of all.
A total of 2,505 meters have been drilled in 25 holes to date and the 14 holes reported herein cover approximately 450 meters of strike length along the central part of Pamlico Ridge. Gold - silver mineralization consists of higher-grade structures, up to 9.51 g/t gold, surrounded by an envelope of lower grade material as has been observed in previous drilling and in underground workings. Mineralization drilled to date is oxide in nature, mostly within 100 meters of the surface and remains open in all directions.
"We are making good progress in our understanding of the geological setting along Pamlico Ridge," said Robert Archer, CEO. "These first results are helping to define the continuity of mineralized zones and areas of better grade. We have only just started to drill the Gold Bar and Good Hope Mines and anticipate drilling at least 3,000 meters in 25 additional holes that are already permitted in this initial part of the program. Importantly, we have also tested several shallow Induced Polarization (IP) targets and in every case have intersected disseminated pyrite or the oxidized remnants of sulphide mineralization. Once we have assay results from these, we will have a better idea of the gold-pyrite association, which will, in turn, assist in targeting the deeper IP anomalies."
In the results to date, oxide gold - silver mineralization is contained within a broad and laterally continuous package of receptive volcanic rocks consisting predominantly of the latite to rhyolite lithic tuffs and rhyolite flows. Current field observations indicate three or more separate mineralized structural trends consisting, from oldest to youngest, north-northeast striking structures with moderate dips cut by northwest structures dipping moderately to the northeast and southwest, which are in turn cut by east-northeast structures with moderate southerly dips. The northwest striking structures have the greatest lateral extent and commonly form near surface, dip slope mineralized zones.