Merritt Zone Drilling Of Pamlico Project Intersected Near Surface Gold Mineralization

VANCOUVER - Newrange Gold Corp. reported that hole P20-82 in the Merritt Zone of the Pamlico Project intersected near surface oxide gold mineralization averaging 14.85 grams gold per metric tonne (g/t Au) and 3.57 grams silver per metric tonne (g/t Ag) over the 9.15 meter interval from 53.35 to 62.50 meters. This mineralized zone contained a high-grade core returning 34.11 g/t Au and 7.64 g/t Ag and lies within a larger 32.01 meter interval assaying 4.74 g/t Au and 2.25 g/t Ag from 44.21 to 76.22 meters.

Hole P20-82 also intersected a shallower zone of mineralization averaging 1.10 g/t Au and 3.67 g/t Ag over the 9.15 meter interval from 22.86 to 32.01 meters. A second hole, P20-83, expanded this oxide gold mineralization to the southeast with an intercept from 4.57 to 10.67 meters averaging 0.484 g/t Au and 4.57 g/t Ag. Hole P20-82, in particular, expands the footprint of high-grade mineralization by filling in an important gap between adjacent holes P17-03, 18 and 32.

These mineralized intercepts are thoroughly oxidized and focused in and near contact zones between the rhyolite and latite volcanic rocks that have been intensely sheared and brecciated due to the competency contrast of these two rock types. The Company is expanding the drill pattern in this and other areas of the property including step outs on hole P17-10, the highest grade hole in the Company's 2017 program that contained multiple high-grade intercepts including 6.1 meters averaging 97.94 g/t Au - previously announced. Road construction will commence shortly to drill test the upper Good Hope Mine at a similar rhyolite / latite contact zone where underground channel sampling has identified consistent high grade results including 40 meters averaging 13.89 g/t Au and 71.19 g/t Ag in the 5690 level of the mine - previously announced. The Company is also conducting follow-up drilling of hole P20-65 that returned 4.6 meters of 0.535 gram gold from surface with additional highly anomalous gold mineralization at depth in Gold Box Canyon - previously announced. Similar rhyolite / latite contact zones are exposed throughout the canyon and have been heavily prospected by artisanal miners in the past with production evident in three separate series of mine workings.

Located 12 miles southeast of Hawthorne, Nevada, along US Highway 95, the project enjoys excellent access and infrastructure, a mild, year-round operating climate and strong political support from Mineral County, one of the most pro-mining counties in the pro-mining state of Nevada. The Pamlico project covers the historic Pamlico group of mines.