Medicine Springs Option Agreement Conditions Complete

VANCOUVER - Northern Lights Resources Corp. reported that all subsequent conditions to the Medicine Springs Option and Joint Venture Agreement announced with Reyna Silver Corp. have been completed and the agreement is now binding. The Medicine Springs Project comprises 1,189 Ha of Federal mineral claims located in Elko County, Nevada and has the potential to host high-grade silver-zinc-lead Carbonate Replacement Deposit (CRD) mineralization.

The geological team from Northern Lights and Reyna Silver have been at the Medicine Springs project site for the past several days reviewing the project geology and near term exploration plans.

Peter Megaw, Technical Advisor to Reyna, said, "Medicine Springs ticks the most important boxes we look for in CRD exploration including location on a large regional structure that hosts significant CRDs, situation at the top of a thick section of structurally-prepared potentially favorable carbonate host rocks, evidence of high silver grades, and widespread, multi-stage alteration. Some of the historic dump and rock chip samples run well over our 400 g/t (12 oz/t) silver threshold and it is quite likely that similar grades were diluted by the Reverse Circulation drilling used historically in the district. We will be drilling core to get a true picture of the clearly structurally-controlled mineralization as we trace it towards its source."