High Grade Mineralization Intersected At Moss Mine, Arizona
VANCOUVER - Northern Vertex Mining Corp. reported initial results from the multi-phase drilling and resource expansion program underway at the Moss Mine in NW Arizona. Drilling has successfully intercepted high-grade gold and widespread district scale mineralization within a 2-kilometer radius of mining operations. The Moss Mine land holdings are contained within Arizona's historic Oatman Mining District, recognized for its numerous high-grade gold discoveries.
Ken Berry, President & CEO said, "We are very pleased to report high-grade gold results and widespread gold and silver mineralization from our current drilling and resource expansion program at Moss. Importantly, results from the Gold Bridge and Ruth Vein areas underscore the potential for the unification of the west and center pits and expansion of the center pit to the south to incorporate the former producing, high-grade Ruth Vein. Moreover, results within the West Extension show good continuity to the current resource with sporadic higher-grade intersections along a strike-length of more than 1.2 kilometers. We believe continued drilling within this area has the potential to add significant gold ounces to the Moss Mine Resource. Results at West Oatman show excellent potential for both high-grade and bulk tonnage mineralization. This area is considered as a prime target for a maiden resource and expansion of active operations as the emerging West Oatman trend is only two kilometers south of the active leach pad."
The Ruth Vein is a former producing high-grade vein subparallel to the Moss Vein and dipping north back towards the Moss Vein. An objective of the 2020 drill program is to find high-grade ore shoots within the Ruth Vein and to test the down-dip intersection of the Ruth and Moss veins, with the goal of developing higher grade resources and expanding the pit to the south. The Ruth Vein outcrops less than 500 feet south of the Center open-pit boundary. Current drilling demonstrates continuous down-dip gold mineralization from a surface outcrop for at least 260 feet longitudinally and to at least 215 feet below the surface. Eight holes have been completed to date, testing the strike and depth of the Ruth Vein with assays having been received for three holes.
Gold Bridge lies between the Center pit (active mining) and the West pit (active pioneering) and previously was considered a waste pillar. Drilling is designed to infill the gap in previous drilling, with the objective of proving continuous mineralization between the two planned pits to add gold ounces to the Moss resource and facilitate combining the pits into one. In addition to intersecting significant and consistent tonnage above cut-off grade, drilling in this area has shown significant stockwork veining up to 500 feet into the Moss Vein hanging wall with gold grades up to 1.86 gpt. Several holes drilled to the south showed gold mineralization continuing at depth. Assays have been received for 6 of 16 holes drilled in the Gold Bridge Zone.
The West Extension of the Moss Vein is a 1.7 kilometer-long zone of vein and stockwork veining along the Moss structure west of the West Pit. Numerous vein stockworks have been observed in outcrop in the area and there is potential to add significant tons and gold ounces to the Moss mine resource in this area. To date, only the first 1.2 kilometers of observed strike length have been tested.
Hole AR20-253R was drilled furthest to the west into stockwork veining at the Midwest Extension. Several holes were drilled between AR20-253R and the current mining operations including one hole at the Mordor Vein, and two widely spaced wildcat holes along the mineralized corridor.
The West Oatman prospect is a vein and breccia system situated 2.5 kilometer south of the Moss Mine. Shallow drilling of the target by Northern Vertex in 2017 encountered 8 to 20-meter-thick sections of mineralization with several high-grade internal zones (up to 12 gpt gold). One deeper hole, AR20-259R was completed by the Company to test thick mineralization previously drilled by Reynolds Metals in 1992. This hole encountered a very thick section of medium grade with a high-grade core. Significant assay results for drilling completed in 2020 at the West Oatman prospect.
The Eastern Extension is a continuation of the Moss Vein to the east of the current mining operations. Only shallow drilling has been completed to date and returned results of only narrow low-grade mineralized intervals within the Moss Vein structure near surface. Two additional exploration drill holes were completed in the Far East Extension which targeted the intersection of the New York and Moss Veins in areas not previously drilled. It is presumed that the collar locations were in a non-mineralized portion of the vein, and ore shoots have the potential to exist at depth and along strike.