High-Grade Gold And Silver Results At The Arizona Moss Open Pit Mine
VANCOUVER - Northern Vertex Mining Corp. reported additional high-grade gold and silver drill results have been received from its multi-phase drilling and resource expansion program at the Moss Mine in NW Arizona. Most notable results include: Drilling confirms continuity of Ruth Vein mineralization with the potential for high-grade ore shoots running parallel for 500+ meters alongside our current producing flagship Moss Mine Central Pit; AR20-313R intercepts 6.1 meters @ 9.77 gpt gold and 36.28 gpt silver; Hole AR20-313R is located 160 meters to the northeast of Hole AR20-286R, which intercepted 15.2 Meters of 9.11 gpt gold and 85.99 gpt silver Including 6.1 meters of 21.8 gpt gold & 211.48 gpt silver; which included 1.5 meters of 69.3 gpt gold (2.02 ounces of gold) & 716 gpt silver; Two rigs are currently supporting the multi-phased exploration and resource expansion program; & Ruth High-Grade intercepts are typical of mineralized shoots mined in the Oatman District located in NW Arizona.
Ken Berry, President & CEO said, "We are very pleased to report further high-grade gold and silver results from our ongoing drilling and resource expansion program on Moss. Paramount to the success of our current program, drilling continues to indicate continuity of the rapidly evolving high-grade Ruth vein structure, which runs parallel to our currently producing Moss Mine vein structure and has been traced for 500 to 700 meters on surface. Based on our advancements to date, we fully expect the Ruth vein structure to play a vital role in our new updated resource and mine plan. In addition to the exciting news from the high-grade Ruth Vein results, we remain equally enthused with our ongoing gold and silver results at Gold Bridge. The successful Gold Bridge results will enable us to achieve an even more efficient and profitable mine as we look to combine the currently active Center pit and West pit areas within the next year."