Multi-Phase Drill Program At Moss Mine Results
VANCOUVER - Northern Vertex Mining Corp. reported recent drill results from its multi-phase drilling and resource expansion program at the Moss Mine in NW Arizona. The most notable results are set out above and are taken from 37 new reverse circulation(RC) drill holes from the Ruth vein area, which hosts multiple high-grade zones within larger zones of typical Moss Mine bulk-tonnage grade mineralization along the Ruth vein. Three rigs (1 core and two RC) are currently operating within the Company's Phase II of a multi-phase drill program and the program will transition to target the intersection between the Ruth vein and the Moss vein in the coming months.
Highlights: 15.25 meters @ 3.35 g/t gold and 23.09 g/t silver within 33.55 meters @ 1.83 g/t gold and 13.49 g/t silver in hole AR20-350R; 1.5 meters @ 8.74 g/t gold and 80.10 g/t silver in hole AR20-322R, which is 183 meters east of AR20-350R; 3.0 meters @ 3.82 g/t gold and 56.0 g/t silver in hole AR20-321R, which is 457 meters east of AR20-350R; and Results are from the Ruth vein, 160 meters south of, and parallel to, Moss Mine open pit.
Ken Berry, President & CEO, said, "We are pleased to report another round of drilling results, including new high-grade intercepts along with thick low-grade zones, from our resource expansion drill program at the Moss Mine. Drilling at the Ruth Vein, which runs parallel to our Moss Open Pit , continues to encounter encouraging drill intercepts. The Ruth is located just 160 meters off the southern edge of our open pit mine and dips north toward the Moss Vein, which dips to the south, with the two veins intersecting at a contact zone approximately 225 meters below surface. This Ruth/Moss Contact Zone is a prime geological drill target for our ongoing resource expansion program at the Moss Mine."
Definition drilling along the Ruth vein shows a strike length of greater than 500 meters with multiple high-grade zones intersected. The latest intercept comes from hole AR20-350R, which was drilled within 15 meters of the active Center pit crest and returned 15.25 meters @ 3.35 gpt gold and 23.09 gpt silver, within 33.55 meters @ 1.83 gpt gold and 13.49 gpt silver (true thickness approximately 21.3 meters). Also, drill holes AR20-322R (183 meters east of AR20-350R) and AR20-321R (457 meters east of AR20-350R) intercepted zones of high-grade gold and silver including: AR20-322R: 1.5 meters @ 8.74 gpt gold and 80.10 gpt silver within 29.0 meters @ 0.75 gpt gold and 7.15 gpt silver (true thickness approximately 18.3 meters); AR20-321R: 3.0 meters @ 3.82 gpt gold and 56.0 gpt silver within 10.68 meters @ 1.369 gpt gold and 20.81 gpt silver (true thickness approximately 7.6 meters); and AR20-350R specifically targeted the Ruth vein, while hole AR20-355R, drilled from the same platform, targeted the intersection between the Ruth and Moss veins.